Protect Your Work Environment with an Optimal Laser Barrier System

Laser barrier systems come in various sizes, from compact options that are only slightly larger than a door to enclosures that occupy many square feet of space. The choice of which laser barrier system to install will depend on the specific requirements of your laser system. Fortunately, most companies that manufacture laser barriers, curtains, and barrier systems offer both standard sizes and custom options that can be tailored to meet your unique needs.

Whether you are a Laser Safety Officer looking to improve laser safety in your workplace or an individual in need of a laser barrier system, this article is designed to provide valuable insights into selecting the right laser barrier for your needs.


Choosing the right laser barrier system is crucial to ensure the safe operation of your laser. Factors such as laser power, beam size, and wavelength need to be considered when selecting the appropriate laser barrier. Additionally, the physical location of the laser system, the presence of other equipment or obstacles, and the layout of the workspace will also need to be taken into account.

By working with a reputable company that provides laser safety equipment, such as Phillips Safety, and carefully considering these factors, you can identify and install the optimal laser barrier system for your unique needs, ensuring the safe and efficient operation of your laser system.


It is relevant to know that laser barrier systems come in various sizes and configurations. They can range from a basic free-standing rectangle to a comprehensive enclosure that covers the entire height of a room.

In situations where laser operations are restricted to trained personnel and the area to be protected is limited to a few technicians, a free-standing laser barrier is likely the most suitable option. These rectangular or square barriers are designed for use during laser procedures, providing a protective shield for technicians standing behind them.

In case you are preparing a room for a laser system and intend to install a track and a laser curtain on your own, there are some choices available to you in the market. One option is to create and obtain your track separately and buy a customized curtain that fits your track. Alternatively, you can opt to order both the track and the curtain together, which will be delivered to you ready for installation.

In order to create full enclosures, laser curtain systems need to be accompanied by valances. The valances are necessary to prevent stray beams or scattered radiation from penetrating areas where personnel lacking proper laser safety training may be present.

In circumstances where laser use is not frequent, free-standing laser enclosures can prove to be useful. These enclosures enable you to use a designated room for laser procedures by setting up the enclosure when required, and disassembling the laser system and barrier system for storage when not in use. This feature makes it possible to repurpose the room for other activities when the laser is not in operation.

Laser barrier systems and laser curtain systems can come equipped with unique safety features built directly into the system. For example, some laser barriers incorporate a sleeve within the fabric that houses the power supply for the laser. The sleeve is built into the barrier and connects at the entrance to the enclosure, where the curtain overlaps and can be moved through. In the event that someone attempts to enter the enclosure while the laser is in use, they will unplug the power supply, deactivating the laser before any exposure can occur.

Having such features integrated into the laser barrier system or laser curtain system can provide an added layer of safety and protection for personnel. These types of safety measures can minimize the risk of accidents occurring and help to ensure a safe working environment for those operating and working in close proximity to lasers.

Laser warning signs can be included with laser curtains and barriers as well. When placing an order for a laser barrier, laser curtain, or laser barrier system, browse through our laser warning signs collection. This will ensure that the proper safety measures are in place and that all personnel are informed and aware of the potential hazards associated with operating a laser system.

If you still aren’t sure which laser barriers are right for you, it’s a good idea to give us a call at 1-866-575-1307 or talk to us through our chat or e-mail us at [email protected]

Our laser experts will be able to tell you what you need for your application.


Laser Safety Windows: A Workplace Essential

Laser safety windows are an important part of a laser safety system and can be used in a variety of applications. These windows are designed to protect people and equipment from the harmful effects of laser radiation. They are made from special materials that are transparent to visible light but absorb or reflect laser radiation. 

Laser safety windows are commonly made of glass or acrylic and are available in standard sizes for use as viewing windows, or customized to fit specific applications, like optical table enclosures.

What is the importance of Laser Safety Windows?

Laser radiation can be hazardous to human health and safety. Depending on the wavelength, power, and exposure time, laser radiation can cause eye damage, skin burns, and other injuries. Therefore, laser safety windows are necessary to protect people and equipment from direct and reflected laser radiation.

In summary, laser safety windows are used to prevent laser radiation from escaping the laser enclosure, protect operators from accidental laser exposure, and allow visual inspection of the laser process.

Types of Laser Safety Windows

Choosing the right laser safety window depends on several factors, including the laser’s power, wavelength, exposure time, and the type of laser application. It’s important to consider your specific application because each material, such as acrylic and glass windows and sheets, has its own strengths and weaknesses. 

Considering that, here’s a brief overview of the common uses, strengths, and weaknesses of acrylic and glass windows and sheets:

  • Acrylic laser windows are typically used when larger sizes and shapes are needed.
  • Acrylic offers good scratch resistance and superior optical clarity.
  • Acrylic is easily cut to special shapes and sizes, even particularly large ones.
  • When custom coverage ranges are needed and cannot be accomplished through a combination of glass filters, acrylic is typically the material used to develop the new filter.
  • Glass laser windows are typically used when higher optical densities (OD) and visual light transmission (VLT) are needed.
  • Glass has the best scratch resistance compared to acrylic as well as excellent optical clarity.
  • Glass laser windows are easier to customize with regard to thickness, and glass filters can often be combined, unlike acrylic.
  • Glass is not typically available in large sizes.

In addition to acrylic and glass window sheets, Phillips Safety also provides a great assortment of high-quality laser window films to our customers. As laser protective removable window films, they can be used in laboratories, production facilities, and operating rooms to protect workers from the glare of lasers.

When choosing a laser window film, it is important to look at its Optical Density (OD). At Phillips Safety this information is available both in the description of each product as well as in the wavelength information tab of the product’s page. There you can visualize the full information on the optical density and wavelength of the filter.

Our laser protective removable window films are available in three different laser filters: Argon and KTP; UV,Nd:YAG and Diode; andUV,Nd:YAD and Holmium. In addition, they can be manufactured in custom dimensions.

Your safety is the primary concern when installing a laser or updating a laser enclosure, so we hope this article helps you make safer, more informed decisions to keep you protected around your laser. 

If you still aren’t sure which laser safety windows are right for you, it’s a good idea to give us a call at 1-866-575-1307 or talk to us through our chat or e-mail us at [email protected]

Our laser experts will be able to tell you what you need for your application.


Laser Safety Glasses for Laser DMX: A Small Investment for Long-Term Eye Health

Laser safety glasses are vital when working with high-powered lasers that can cause burns. When it comes to laser DMX technology, such as the lasers used in light shows, it’s still crucial to prioritize eye safety and use laser safety glasses. Although these lasers may not typically cause burns, they can still pose a risk to your eyesight if proper precautions aren’t taken.

There is a common misconception that lasers used in public settings, such as laser light shows and concerts, are entirely safe because they do not appear to harm the audience. However, these lasers, also known as digital multiplex (DMX) lasers, can still cause damage to the eyes or result in eye fatigue and headaches for programmers who work with them for extended periods while preparing for a show. So, while they may be safe for viewing in public settings, proper precautions such as using laser safety glasses must still be taken to avoid potential eye damage on those who are exposed to it for long periods of time.


Laser DMX programmers can benefit significantly from using laser safety glasses and goggles due to several reasons. Firstly, these glasses can help reduce eye strain after prolonged hours of laser viewing. Secondly, they provide essential protection against the damaging effects of direct beam exposure to the eyes, which can be hazardous to one’s eyesight.

Additionally, laser safety glasses can help reduce the occurrence of headaches and blurry vision that can be associated with laser programming. They can also enhance the programmer’s ability to perform detailed and up-close adjustments and operations where brightness affects visual acuity.

Lastly, it’s worth noting that laser safety glasses can add a cool factor to your appearance during the show. In conclusion, using laser safety glasses and goggles is highly recommended for laser DMX programmers, as they provide a multitude of benefits that ultimately contribute to better eye health and performance.


A few years ago, we discovered a video on YouTube demonstrating the effectiveness of our laser safety glasses in preventing eye fatigue and damage when working long hours programming DMX lasers. It is an informative video created by John, an Australian who wanted to educate others about laser safety for DMX programming. It showcases how Phillips Safety’s glasses can help with prolonged laser viewing and how well they can attenuate a laser beam.

To safeguard your eyes while programming DMX, consider investing in a pair of Phillips Safety’s laser glasses. Vision is our primary sensory tool, and you should be able to do what you love without putting your eyes at risk of harm.

If you still aren’t sure which laser safety glasses are right for you, it’s a good idea to give us a call at 1-866-575-1307 or talk to us through our chat or e-mail us at [email protected]

Our laser experts will be able to tell you what you need for your application.


The Science Behind Dark Laser Safety Goggles and Why They Are Necessary

If you work with lasers, you are probably familiar with the importance of wearing laser safety glasses. However, you may find yourself questioning why some glasses are very dark while others with coverage over more wavelengths are clear. The answer lies in the concept of visible light transmission (VLT).

Visible light transmission refers to the amount of light that can pass through the lens, with higher VLT allowing more color to pass through. The purpose of laser safety glasses is to block specific wavelengths of light while allowing the rest of the light to filter through specially designed lenses. This allows individuals to work safely without being obstructed by darkness or hazardous laser beams.


Laser safety goggles are capable of covering a wide range of wavelengths of light, spanning from 100 to 15,000 nanometers. Interestingly, the visible light spectrum only occupies a small portion of this range, approximately between 400 and 700 nanometers. As a result, coverage outside of the 400-700 nm range will not impact your vision, since it blocks light that falls beyond the visible range, including ultraviolet and infrared light.

The danger of a laser doesn’t always correspond to its operating wavelength, as various lasers can function at different wavelengths. In cases where there is a laser operating at a wavelength in the visible spectrum, you require laser safety glasses that are not clear and may appear dark, as they provide necessary protection within the visible spectrum.

Furthermore, for those working with lasers in the visible spectrum and requiring high optical density coverage, darker lenses are necessary compared to those who only require lower optical density coverage (3 or below). Lower optical density lenses allow more light to pass through the lens. Therefore, if you are working with a laser that has the potential to harm your eyes, you need a higher optical density coverage which requires darker lenses.


The material of the lenses can greatly impact the darkness of laser safety goggles. If you opt for a plastic material, such as polycarbonate or acrylic, chances are your lenses will be quite dark due to the nature of plastic laser lenses.

If visible light transmission is a crucial factor in your laser work, you may want to consider choosing glass laser lenses instead. Glass typically has a higher VLT than plastic, which means the lenses will be lighter in color and allow more visible light to pass through.

While some lasers require darker lenses, others operate outside of the visible light spectrum, making it simple to find lenses with higher VLT. Certain lasers, however, fall somewhere in the middle of these two extremes. If you require a laser safety goggle with a high VLT for such lasers, it is advisable to contact Phillips Safety to explore options for getting the highest VLT possible for your specific laser application.

In conclusion, laser safety goggles come in different shades of darkness depending on the laser type and the required level of protection. It is important to consider the visible light transmission when choosing laser safety goggles for your laser application. Whether you need high or low VLT, Phillips Safety has the best options for you, ensuring the right level of protection for your eyes.

If you still aren’t sure which laser safety glasses are right for you, it’s a good idea to give us a call at 1-866-575-1307 or talk to us through our chat or e-mail us at [email protected]

Our experts will be able to tell you what you need for your application.


From Prescription to Purchase: How to Successfully Fill Out Prescription Forms Online

Reading a prescription from your eye doctor can be difficult, even under the most favorable circumstances. Optical professionals’ handwriting can often be challenging to decipher, and they may simplify their instructions, expecting their trained counterparts to understand them.

When shopping for eyeglasses online, it is unlikely that you possess the expertise of an optical professional. Moreover, if you are browsing Phillips Safety you are likely seeking safety glasses that are suitable for your intended application, which may lead to concerns about correctly communicating your prescription.

Whether you are shopping for prescription safety glasses for laser work, welding, radiationglassworking, or general prescription safety glasses, it is crucial to ensure that your prescription is accurate. If you are unsure about the information listed on your prescription or how to enter it into our online forms, the following information may be helpful.


The prescription designates your right and left eyes as OD (right eye) and OS (left eye), respectively. If you are uncertain about the proper designation, remember that the OD (right eye) always appears first. In addition, each prescription contains three correction categories for each eye, including Sphere (SPH), Cylinder (CYL), and Axis. It is possible that your prescription may include all or some of these categories.

The Sphere category corrects nearsightedness or farsightedness and is indicated by a positive or negative value in increments of 0.25. Your prescription for each eye may contain, for example, values such as +1.25, 0.75, -2.00, or +3.50.

Cylinder and Axis are interdependent categories, meaning that you can’t have one without the other, although it is possible to have both for one eye and none for the other. Cylinder is expressed in the same manner as Sphere, with positive or negative values in increments of 0.25. On the other hand, Axis denotes the angle at which the cylinder is rotated, and it is measured in degrees from 0 to 180. While Sphere values remain constant irrespective of the lens’s orientation, Cylinder values differ with rotation, necessitating the prescription to specify the direction of rotation through the Axis category.

When reading your prescription, it is important to note that both sphere and cylinder measurements always have two numbers after the decimal place. Occasionally, eye doctors may forget to include the decimal point. In this case, it is safe to assume that the prescription has two numbers after the whole number. For instance, if your prescription is written as -250, it actually means -2.50. Similarly, if your prescription is written as -25, it means -0.25, and if it is written as +100, it means +1.00. Plus, if your doctor has written “SPH” in the cylinder section, it indicates that there is no cylinder correction required.

If you are getting a bifocal, the strength for a bifocal on a prescription is typically indicated below the Sphere, Cylinder, and Axis section. You may see it labeled as “ADD”, “BIFOCAL”, or “NEAR”, or it may not be labeled at all. Note that it is usually the same strength for both eyes, so some doctors only write it once instead of twice for each eye. Additionally, the strength is always positive.


The distance between the centers of your pupils is called pupil distance, which is measured in millimeters. Sometimes, it may not be included in the prescription, requiring you to measure it yourself. If it is written on the prescription, it is often abbreviated as PD.

The segment height is the measurement from the bottom of the lens to the top of the bifocal, which can either be a line on a lined bifocal or the start of the progressive corridor on a progressive bifocal. For lined bifocals, the segment height is usually estimated. For progressives, it is measured in millimeters from the bottom of the lens to the center of your pupil and can vary for every frame.

Phillips Safety understands that purchasing prescription safety glasses can be a complex process, which is why our team of trained professionals is readily available to guide you through the ordering process and ensure that you make an informed decision. If you need further assistance in filling out your prescription on our forms, don’t hesitate to contact us.

If you still aren’t sure how to complete your prescription form online, it’s a good idea to give us a call at 1-866-575-1307 or talk to us through our chat or e-mail us at [email protected]

Our experts will be able to tell you what you need for your application.


Putting Safety First: A Look at Phillips Safety’s Advanced Capabilities

Phillips Safety specializes in safety eyewear, but we do more than just safety glasses. Dedicated to expanding our capabilities to better serve our customers, we own a state-of-the-art facility with many capabilities. It includes two optical labs, a full machine shop, a glass-fining area, a glassblowing stopper machine, and a plano eyewear assembly line, among others.

We are constantly pushing ourselves to provide the highest level of quality and service possible. With a team of over 40 skilled professionals, at Phillips Safety you may find someone moving tons of glass lens blanks while someone else is polishing prescriptions for laser safety glasses. At the same time, in one part of our building someone may be engraving a doctor’s name onto a pair of radiation safety glasses, while in another area our sales reps are explaining which glasses are best for observing a concrete furnace.

Our team at Phillips Safety goes above and beyond to meet the unique needs of our customers. We’re always expanding our product line to offer not only new eyewear but also safety equipment and accessories to better serve the markets we cater to.


At Phillips Safety, we have full glass and plastic optical labs on-site, enabling us to produce prescription safety glasses. Our in-house capabilities allow us to customize safety glasses for various applications, including laser, radiation, glassworking, welding, and industrial safety.

Our facility can produce hundreds of these glasses every day to fulfill blanket orders that require thousands of safety glasses to be produced regularly. We have a team of staff specifically dedicated to the production of plano safety glasses to ensure timely delivery to our customers.

Moreover, our full machine shop at Phillips Safety has allowed us to expand our safety line beyond eyewear and into areas like radiation safety barriers. With our advanced machine shop, we are able to produce custom solutions for niche safety requirements, since our engineers are always looking for ways to fill gaps in the market and satisfy the needs of our customers.

We also take pride in our glass fining area. As a manufacturer of safety eyewear, we use tons of glass lenses for various purposes such as laser safety, radiation safety, glassworking safety, and welding safety. To ensure quality and consistency, we purchase entire glass melts from the glass melter. We then transform raw lens blanks into finished plano lenses and semi-finished prescription-ready lenses in our glass fining area.

Another area at Phillips Safety is that of sheet glass production, where we have the necessary tools and expertise to polish and cut sheet glass for a variety of applications, from windows to lenses and even special shapes. Whether you need a custom size, shape, or finish, we can provide you with the sheet glass solution that meets your requirements.

Our facility is also equipped with a unique glassworking stopper machine, which allows us to create neoprene or silicone stoppers for glass blowing. This machine has the capability of cutting stoppers out of a single block, ensuring that all the pieces fit together perfectly.

Furthermore, we possess a remarkable laser engraver that is capable of etching logos, names, and laser wavelength specifications onto both frames and lenses. This versatile machine is also capable of cutting when the need arises, making it an essential tool in our production process.

Last but not least, we have two pad printing machines that are used for printing logos and wavelength specifications on both frames and lenses.


If you have a specific safety product in mind that you need, feel free to ask us. We pride ourselves on being able to expand our product lines and capabilities to meet the needs of various industries and specific applications. While we can’t do everything, we’re always excited to explore new possibilities and find ways to provide customized solutions for our customers.

Phillips Safety’s goal is to produce as much as we can in-house, allowing us greater control over the quality and customization of our products. We take great pride in the growth our company has achieved since its inception and are committed to continuing this trend in the future.

If you have any inquiries regarding our capabilities or have suggestions for new product ideas, get in touch with our customer support team. We appreciate your interest and value your feedback.

If you have inquiries about our capabilities, it’s a good idea to give us a call at 1-866-575-1307 or talk to us through our chat or e-mail us at [email protected]

Our experts will be able to assist you with what you need for your application.


What You Can’t See Can Hurt You: Why Laser Glasses Are Crucial for Eye Safety

It may seem counterintuitive, but laser light can harm your eyesight even if it is invisible. This can be a confusing concept to grasp, as many people assume that if they can’t see it, it can’t hurt them. However, the truth is that invisible laser radiation can be even more hazardous than visible radiation because it can cause damage without being noticed.

Eyes are specialized and sensitive sensory organs that are unable to recover from certain types of injuries. Among these permanent injuries is retinal burning, which can be caused by exposure to harmful light radiation. This is particularly concerning since the cornea of your eye directs incoming light to the retina, making it especially vulnerable to damage.


The human eye’s rods and cones are responsible for detecting and transmitting signals from light within the visible spectrum, which spans wavelengths between 400 and 700 nanometers. While lasers can operate within or outside of this range, the danger they pose to your eyesight has more to do with their power than their operating wavelength.

Laser radiation poses a threat to your retina not because of the colors it creates but rather due to the power of the beam. A high-powered laser beam can generate intense heat in a fraction of a second. If the beam, or even a reflection of it, enters your eye through the cornea, it can burn your retina so quickly that you may not feel any pain right away.

The retina is a complex structure filled with neurons that light must pass through to reach your rods and cones. These neurons, commonly referred to as nerve cells, transmit visual information to your brain, allowing you to see. Burning these neurons, whether from direct or reflected laser radiation, can cause permanent damage because medicine currently lacks effective methods to repair them.

The cornea acts like a magnifying glass, focusing light onto the retina. A laser beam that can burn your skin will cause even more damage to your retina after passing through your cornea, and it can also cause a burn to your cornea itself.

Furthermore, scattered radiation from some powerful lasers can also be harmful to your eyes, even if the direct beam is not hitting your eyes. This scattered radiation is similar to the light that fills a dark room when you shine a flashlight on one of the walls, and it can still cause damage or destruction to your eyes. Although the scattered radiation contains only a small percentage of the power of the laser beam, it can be enough to cause serious harm.


In the context of laser radiation and physics, the way we perceive “light” based on our personal experiences with vision can be quite different. Here, light can refer to any radiation in the electromagnetic spectrum that can be emitted in a focused beam capable of generating heat. While this definition still does not fully encompass the complexity of laser radiation, it can be helpful to consider lasers in this way when it comes to choosing the appropriate personal protective equipment to guard against their potentially harmful beams.

Ensuring laser safety is crucial when working with lasers, as even a small mistake can result in permanent blindness. It is important to understand the risks and to always wear proper personal protective equipment, such as laser safety glasses. Removing them, even in the presence of an invisible beam, can have dire consequences.

To provide utmost protection to your eyes from the harmful effects of laser radiation, check out Phillips Safety collection of laser safety glasses. These glasses are made with high-quality materials and feature lenses that are specifically designed to block out specific wavelengths of laser light. Phillips Safety’s laser safety glasses are available in a range of styles and designs to meet the needs of various industries and applications.

If you still aren’t sure which laser safety glasses are right for you, it’s a good idea to give us a call at 1-866-575-1307 or talk to us through our chat or e-mail us at [email protected]

Our laser experts will be able to tell you what you need for your application.


The Importance of Choosing the Right Lens for Your Glassworking or Quartz Working Needs

Glassblowers who work with quartz require different eyewear than those who work with pyrex or art glass. The reason for this is that quartz has a higher melting temperature than art glass, and does not emit yellow sodium flare. Unlike most other scientific glass and art glass, which emit some level of sodium flare under a torch, when working with quartz, the primary concern when shopping for safety eyewear is protection from infrared radiation and the brightness of the torch.

However, there may be situations where quartz workers use other materials as part of a larger quartz piece. In such cases, they typically require eyewear with a different lens to provide the necessary protection.


Phillips Safety offers a wide range of top-quality glassworking glasses, both for lampworking and for glass blowing. Our glassworking glasses are suitable for any type of hot glass application, whether for artistic or scientific purposes. All of our lenses are made of optical-quality German glass, and our plastic lenses are engineered to provide the best VLT (visible light transmission) in their class.

Our hot glass eyewear offers IR, UV, and sodium flare protection in different shades and combinations, ensuring that you get the protection you need. We offer several filter options for soft glass and borosilicate glass, as well as different types of work, such as furnace work, small glass work, and large glass work. Most filters also allow for mirror coating add-ons.

For lampworking, Phillips Safety offers dozens of eyeglasses options with the following filters: Phillips 202, Sodium Flare Poly, BoroView 3.0, BoroView 5.0, BoroTruView 3.0, and BoroTruView 5.0. For glass blowing, multiple eyeglasses are available in the Light Green filter. To learn more about the specifications of each product, you can click on their names and visit their respective pages to read about their unique features.


When working with quartz, the high melting temperature results in the release of dangerous infrared (IR) radiation from torches, which is invisible to the human eye. In contrast, scientific glass such as borosilicate releases sodium flare along with infrared radiation. In such cases, our Sodium Flare Poly lens, commonly known as didymium or rose glass, is the most suitable lens choice.

Since many quartz pieces involve other types of glass, our quartz working glasses are designed with split lenses that feature a lighter lens on top and a darker green lens on the bottom. This design ensures maximum protection against both infrared and sodium flare.

Regarding the top part, which accounts for ⅓ of the entire lens, it is available in three options: clear glass, sodium flare poly, or green welding. The sodium flare poly lens provides protection against UV and sodium flare, appearing as a bluish-purple tint. It has a moderate shading level, with a visible light transmission of 23.5%, and provides little protection against IR. The ⅔ of the bottom, on the other hand, are available in green welding lens, in either shade 6.0 or 8.0.

Besides the quartz working glasses with split lenses, Phillips Safety also offers a variety of options with shaded IR lenses. IR shade lenses are specifically designed to protect against infrared radiation, which is emitted by high-temperature sources such as welding torches or furnaces. At Phillips Safety, these glasses come with lenses in a variety of shades, ranging from 4.0 to 8.0. They offer excellent protection against eye damage and can help prevent conditions caused by prolonged exposure to infrared radiation.


Selecting the right lens for your glassworking or quartz working needs is crucial for maintaining eye safety and achieving optimal visibility. It is essential to consider factors such as the type of material being worked with, the temperature involved, and the level of protection needed against UV, IR, and sodium flare.

Phillips Safety offers a wide range of lenses, including split lenses and various filters, to cater to the specific requirements of different glassworkers and quartz workers. Choosing the right lens may take some trial and error, but the effort is well worth it to ensure a safe and productive work environment.

If you still aren’t sure which glassworking or quartz working glasses are right for you, it’s a good idea to give us a call at 1-866-575-1307 or talk to us through our chat or e-mail us at [email protected]

Our experts will be able to tell you what you need for your application.


Choosing the Right Material for Your Laser Safety Glasses: Plastic or Glass Lenses?

Laser safety glasses are a necessary tool for anyone who works with lasers. They protect your eyes from the harmful effects of laser light, which can cause permanent damage to your vision if not properly protected.

Laser safety glasses come in two main types: with plastic lenses or glass lenses. Each type has its own advantages and disadvantages, so it’s important to know what they are before you make your purchase.


For starters, glass lenses are more durable than plastic lenses, because they’re made of a material called borosilicate glass, which is much stronger than the acrylic used in most safety glasses. However, they are much more fragile than plastic ones, so if you drop them or step on them, they will break easily.

Glass lenses tend to have a higher optical density, resulting in a higher protection level. Plus, glass material are clear in nature, so the lens provides a better color perception. And, because of its quality, it is a more fragile and expensive material. 

Another important characteristic of glass lenses is that they are heavier than plastic lenses, so if you need to wear your safety glasses for long periods of time this could be an issue. Additionally, because of their fragility and weight they tend to cost more than plastic lenses.


When it comes to plastic lenses, they are lightweight, flexible and impact resistant, which makes them ideal for use in industrial environments. They can be molded into a variety of shapes and sizes to fit your specific needs.

The main advantages of plastic lenses is that they are lighter in weight, more durable, and affordable. This makes them easier to wear over long periods of time without causing discomfort or fatigue. Moreover, they’re more flexible than glass so you don’t have to worry about breaking them if you drop them on the floor, or get hit by a flying object.

Since they’re made out of plastic instead of glass, with plastic lenses there’s no risk of shattering when exposed directly under intense laser beams. If something does happen, it won’t cause injury like broken shards might do.

As with glass lenses, there are also some drawbacks to using plastic lenses. The main one is that they don’t offer the same optical quality as glass lenses do. Plastic lenses are more prone to distortion and glare, which can be a problem if you’re using them in an environment where sharp vision is important, e.g., working with machinery.

Last but not least, plastic also has limited impact resistance compared to glass, so it breaks more easily when hit by flying debris or other objects. This means that plastic safety glasses might not be able to withstand heavy impact without breaking your budget.


The first factor to consider when choosing laser safety glasses is the type of laser you’ll be working with. Some lasers can cause damage to plastic lenses, while others may not be able to penetrate glass lenses. You’ll want to make sure that your choice of material is compatible with your particular application so that you don’t end up damaging or blinding yourself by wearing the wrong type of lens.

Cost is another important consideration when choosing between plastic and glass lenses for your safety glasses. While plastic lenses tend to cost less than their glass counterparts, they also tend not to last as long and are more prone to scratches and other damage from regular use over time. Thus, although they’re cheaper in the short term, they may end up costing more overall if they need replacing sooner than expected.


Choosing the right material for your laser safety glasses is an important decision. Both plastic and glass lenses have their advantages and drawbacks, but it’s up to you to decide which one is right for your application.

If you are looking for a lightweight, low cost option that will still provide adequate protection from UV light and other hazards associated with lasers, then plastic lenses may be your best bet. However, if you need high-quality optics or want more protection against infrared radiation (IR), then glass may be a better choice.

Whichever lens material you choose for your laser safety glasses, Phillips Safety has the best collection in the market of laser glasses with glass lenses and plastic lenses. We are confident that you will find the perfect glasses for your needs with the features and specifications you will love. If you need help or more information about our products, we are just one click away: talk to us through our chat, e-mail us at [email protected], or call us at 1-866-575-1307.

If you still aren’t sure which lens material is right for you, it’s a good idea to give us a call at 1-866-575-1307 or talk to us through our chat or e-mail us at [email protected]

Our laser experts will be able to tell you what you need for your application.


Shades of Safety: Why Some Laser Safety Glasses are Darker than Others

When it comes to laser safety glasses, there is a wide range of colors and styles available, with varying degrees of lens darkness. The darkness of the lenses is determined by their Visible Light Transmission (VLT), which measures the percentage of visible light that passes through the lens. The higher the VLT, the lighter the lenses will be and the easier it will be to see through them. However, it’s important to note that not all lasers can be protected against with clear lenses.

Some lasers have visible beams, while others emit flashes or intense pulses of light that require darker lenses with lower VLT. The darkness of the lens helps to filter out the harmful wavelengths of light and protect the eyes from potential damage. Although it may be easier to work with clearer lenses, the safety of the eyes must always be the top priority.

At Phillips Safety, we offer a range of laser safety glasses with different levels of VLT, including clear lenses for low-power lasers and darker lenses for high-power lasers. It’s important to choose the appropriate laser safety glasses for the specific laser you are working with to ensure maximum protection for your eyes.