Phillips Safety is proud to manufacture and provide our customers with the highest-quality welding screens in the market. Welding screens are protective devices used in welding operations to shield nearby individuals and objects from the intense light, heat, and sparks generated during the welding process. They are typically made of a flame-resistant material which is designed to withstand the high temperatures and potential sparks associated with welding.
Our welding screens are available in various colors, with the most common being dark green or orange. When positioned between the welding area and the surrounding workspace to create a barrier, they ensure the safety of nearby personnel and preventing damage to nearby equipment or materials.
Don’t hesitate to check out our collection of welding screens. We are confident that you will find the perfect solution for your needs, with the features and specifications that you want. If you need help or more information about our products, we are just one click away: talk to us through our chat, e-mail us at, or call us at 1-866-575-1307.
When choosing a welding screen, consider factors like the welding process, environment, and personal preferences. Opt for flame-resistant materials like heavy-duty canvas or PVC-coated fabric for adequate protection against sparks and heat. Determine the screen size and coverage based on your work area’s dimensions and shielding requirements. Common colors are dark green or orange but choose according to personal or workplace needs. If mobility is important, select screens with lightweight frames, casters, or foldability. Ensure compliance with safety standards and seek guidance from welding professionals or safety experts for tailored recommendations based on your specific welding needs and workplace conditions. For more information on Choosing the Correct Color Welding Screen, Click here.
A welding screen is a flame-resistant protective device used in welding to shield people and objects from intense light, heat, and sparks. It is made of durable material, available in different sizes and colors like dark green or orange. Placed between the welding area and workspace, it acts as a barrier, safeguarding individuals, equipment, and materials from potential harm.
Yes, they do. Our welding screens meet rigorous EN 25980 safety standards.
The shipping of welding safety products changes according to its category. For more information about the estimated delivery time for our welding screens, please contact us on our chat, e-mail us at, or call us at 1-866-575-1307. Phillips Safety is committed to getting your order out quickly and efficiently while doing proper quality control.
The best and easiest way to buy welding screens is online. Companies like Phillips Safety are dedicated to providing the best welding screens at affordable prices and quick delivery.