Post: Laser Safety Windows: A Workplace Essential

Laser Safety Windows: A Workplace Essential

Laser safety windows are an important part of a laser safety system and can be used in a variety of applications. These windows are designed to protect people and equipment from the harmful effects of laser radiation. They are made from special materials that are transparent to visible light but absorb or reflect laser radiation. 

Laser safety windows are commonly made of glass or acrylic and are available in standard sizes for use as viewing windows, or customized to fit specific applications, like optical table enclosures.

What is the importance of Laser Safety Windows?

Laser radiation can be hazardous to human health and safety. Depending on the wavelength, power, and exposure time, laser radiation can cause eye damage, skin burns, and other injuries. Therefore, laser safety windows are necessary to protect people and equipment from direct and reflected laser radiation.

In summary, laser safety windows are used to prevent laser radiation from escaping the laser enclosure, protect operators from accidental laser exposure, and allow visual inspection of the laser process.

Types of Laser Safety Windows

Choosing the right laser safety window depends on several factors, including the laser’s power, wavelength, exposure time, and the type of laser application. It’s important to consider your specific application because each material, such as acrylic and glass windows and sheets, has its own strengths and weaknesses. 

Considering that, here’s a brief overview of the common uses, strengths, and weaknesses of acrylic and glass windows and sheets:

  • Acrylic laser windows are typically used when larger sizes and shapes are needed.
  • Acrylic offers good scratch resistance and superior optical clarity.
  • Acrylic is easily cut to special shapes and sizes, even particularly large ones.
  • When custom coverage ranges are needed and cannot be accomplished through a combination of glass filters, acrylic is typically the material used to develop the new filter.
  • Glass laser windows are typically used when higher optical densities (OD) and visual light transmission (VLT) are needed.
  • Glass has the best scratch resistance compared to acrylic as well as excellent optical clarity.
  • Glass laser windows are easier to customize with regard to thickness, and glass filters can often be combined, unlike acrylic.
  • Glass is not typically available in large sizes.

In addition to acrylic and glass window sheets, Phillips Safety also provides a great assortment of high-quality laser window films to our customers. As laser protective removable window films, they can be used in laboratories, production facilities, and operating rooms to protect workers from the glare of lasers.

When choosing a laser window film, it is important to look at its Optical Density (OD). At Phillips Safety this information is available both in the description of each product as well as in the wavelength information tab of the product’s page. There you can visualize the full information on the optical density and wavelength of the filter.

Our laser protective removable window films are available in three different laser filters: Argon and KTP; UV,Nd:YAG and Diode; andUV,Nd:YAD and Holmium. In addition, they can be manufactured in custom dimensions.

Your safety is the primary concern when installing a laser or updating a laser enclosure, so we hope this article helps you make safer, more informed decisions to keep you protected around your laser. 

If you still aren’t sure which laser safety windows are right for you, it’s a good idea to give us a call at 1-866-575-1307 or talk to us through our chat or e-mail us at [email protected]

Our laser experts will be able to tell you what you need for your application.


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