Post: Why Are Radiation Safety Glasses Needed In Fluoroscope?

Why Are Radiation Safety Glasses Needed In Fluoroscope?

If you are a radiologist, you are aware of how vital your vision is to your work. Over the course of the last decade, the risks and damages of ionizing radiation have been brought to the forefront. Any medical procedure that involves radiation,including X-rays, will involve a variety of hazards to the technician who is operating. One of the X-ray imaging that involves the tracking of moving body parts has a variety of safety challenges and hurdles, especially when it comes to the eyes. During this imaging, eye protection glasses is highly recommended during the duration of its use.


According to Hopkins Medicine, fluoroscopy is the study of moving body parts. An uninterrupted X-ray beam will be passed through the body structure that needs to be examined. After the X-ray beam is passed through the body structure, the beam will be transmitted to a monitor so the body structure and its movements can be seen in greater detail. Fluoroscopy will give physicians the ability to view several body parts and body systems. Fluoroscopy can be used to assess specific parts of the body, including organs, muscles, and bones.

The traditional X-rays take pictures of the inside of a person’s body, but fluoroscopy is different. Fluoroscopy can be like watching an X-ray on television. The imaging device and technology is generally used to help direct a surgeon during various procedures, such as replacing a joint during foot surgery. Fluoroscopy can also be used for ascertaining what is going on in the heart system.

What Are The Challenges Surrounding Fluoroscopy?

Any technology that involves radiation, fluoroscopy will involve a variety of risks and challenges. We understand the risk to each patient has to be balanced against the advantages of using the imaging. Fluoroscopy has more risks than the traditional or standard X-rays because of the challenges and how long the procedure will take. The issues and risks involving damages may not be major, in the form of skin issues, they can occur and will need to be accounted for at all times.

X-rays and Vision

One of the main risks involving the use of X-ray equipment is damage to the eyes of everyone in the room. One of the major hazards is the development of cataracts in the eyes due to being exposed to the radiation that has been released from the machine. Cataracts are defined as a clouding of the eye lens that is usually a clear lens. Most people who have developed cataracts do so because of aging. However, cataracts can also be developed as a result of damage to the eyes. If there has been damage to the eyes caused by surgery, trauma, or radiation exposure, cataracts can take several years to manifest.

Reduce The Risks Of Cataracts

Protective eyewear is an essential piece of radiology procedures where there will be constant exposure to X-ray radiation. When eyes are constantly being exposed to X-rays and you are not wearing radiation safety glasses, you will place yourself at risk of being diagnosed with cataracts or another eye disease in your earlier years.

As a medical professional being exposed to radiation on a constant basis will generally wear gloves and other accessories to protect their bodies from being exposed to X-rays. Your eyes should also be protected at all times as well. Before radiation safety glasses were used, so many fluoroscopists and radiologists were being diagnosed with cataracts and other eye diseases because their eyes were not being protected.

There are various factors that will go into what will be considered a “safe” amount of exposure during a fluoroscopy. There are some procedures, like a spinal cord procedure, that may involve a significant dose of radiation. There are other factors that will include what position the technician is in, the height of the technician, and the person’s tendency for developing cataracts.

Reduce The Risks Of Cataracts

Protective eyewear is an essential piece of radiology procedures where there will be constant exposure to X-ray radiation. When eyes are constantly being exposed to X-rays and you are not wearing radiation safety glasses, you will place yourself at risk of being diagnosed with cataracts or another eye disease in your earlier years.

As a medical professional being exposed to radiation on a constant basis will generally wear gloves and other accessories to protect their bodies from being exposed to X-rays. Your eyes should also be protected at all times as well. Before radiation safety glasses were used, so many fluoroscopists and radiologists were being diagnosed with cataracts and other eye diseases because their eyes were not being protected.

There are various factors that will go into what will be considered a “safe” amount of exposure during a fluoroscopy. There are some procedures, like a spinal cord procedure, that may involve a significant dose of radiation. There are other factors that will include what position the technician is in, the height of the technician, and the person’s tendency for developing cataracts.

Do You Need To Wear Radiation Safety Glasses?

There are several things you will need to know about radiation safety glasses when you are trying to determine if you need to wear them:

Shielding Eyes from Harmful X-rays

Radiation safety glasses reduce the force of X-ray radiation that can pass through the lens. This reduction prevents a significant amount of harmful X-rays that you may be exposed to during fluoroscopy from hitting your eyes.

Risks of Continuous Radiation Exposure

When any body part is being constantly exposed to radiation, this can lead to harmful side effects that can be permanent and damaging.

Why Radiation Safety Glasses Are Essential

If you are wearing radiation protection during any type of procedure, you should make sure you are wearing radiation safety glasses at all times. Radiation safety glasses will protect one of your most important assets, your eyes. When you are thinking about protecting the rest of your body, you should not forget to provide protection for your eyes.

Radiation safety glasses are vital for those who are working in environments that will constantly expose them to X-ray radiation, especially the medical professionals who are performing procedures in fluoroscopy. Without proper protection, the work that is done can be damaging to your health. Radiation safety glasses can be used to protect your overall health and well-being.Using protective eyewear in the fluoroscopy room will certainly go a long way in protecting the eyes of the technicians and the imaging staff. Radiation safety glasses will also go a long way in preventing the development or formation of cataracts now or later in life.

There is no replacement or substitution for proper care and protection. We should all be informed on the dangers of radiation and wearing safety glasses should be mandatory whenever there is a fluoroscopy procedure. You do not want to take the risk of damaging your career, your health, or the health of the patient and others in the room.Today’s radiation safety glasses come in a variety of sizes, styles, colors, etc. You will be sure to find the perfect pair of radiation safety glasses that will fit your needs. Please do not hesitate to contact Phillips Safety Products if you have a question about radiation safety glasses or fluoroscopes.

If you still aren’t sure which radiation glasses are right for you, it’s a good idea to give us a call at 1-866-575-1307 or talk to us through our chat or e-mail us at [email protected]

Our laser experts will be able to tell you what you need for your application.


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