Harnessing Neutral Density Filters in Industrial Applications


Neutral density (ND) filters are not just confined to the realm of photography; they are also crucial in various industrial applications. By controlling the amount of light entering a camera sensor or optical system, ND filters are instrumental in ensuring accuracy and consistency in environments where light conditions are critical.


In industrial processes, variable ND filters offer a significant advantage. Their ability to adjust optical density on the fly allows for precise control over the amount of light entering the camera or sensor systems. This is particularly useful in situations where light conditions fluctuate rapidly or need fine-tuning for optimal data acquisition.


ND filters play a vital role in machine vision systems used in automated manufacturing and quality control. By reducing glare and controlling the exposure, these filters enable cameras to capture clearer images, leading to more accurate measurements and better decision-making by automated systems.


In laser-based industrial applications, controlling the intensity of light is crucial. ND filters are used to reduce the laser’s brightness without altering its path or properties. This is essential in applications like laser cutting, engraving, or welding, where precision and consistency are paramount.


In industries where operations occur under bright light or direct sunlight, ND filters can protect sensitive camera sensors and operators’ eyes from intense light exposure. This not only ensures the longevity of equipment but also enhances safety and efficiency.


In industrial settings with high-contrast lighting, ND filters help balance the exposure, preventing overexposure in bright areas while maintaining clarity in darker regions. This is critical in fields like aerospace, automotive testing, and scientific research, where accurate visual data is essential.


Neutral density filters are indispensable tools in the industrial sector. Their ability to control light exposure, reduce glare, and ensure precision makes them vital in numerous high-tech applications. From enhancing machine vision accuracy to ensuring safety in laser operations, ND filters contribute significantly to industrial efficiency and innovation.

By integrating ND filters into various industrial processes, companies can achieve greater control, precision, and quality in their operations. Whether it’s in manufacturing, scientific research, or high-tech development, the applications of neutral density filters are as diverse as they are impactful.

If you still aren’t sure which products are right for you, it’s a good idea to give us a call at 1-866-575-1307 or talk to us through our chat or e-mail us at service@phillips-safety.com

Our experts will be able to tell you what you need for your application.


What Glasses Prevent Welding Flash? Phillips Safety Has the Answer


Welding is an indispensable skill across various industries, yet it poses significant risks, particularly to the eyes. The intense ultraviolet (UV) light emitted during welding can cause ‘welding flash’ or ‘arc eye’, leading to discomfort and potential eye damage. This concern brings us to a crucial question: What glasses prevent welding flash?

Phillips Safety has established itself as a leader in protective eyewear, specifically addressing this concern. They offer a range of welding flash glasses designed to shield your eyes from the harmful effects of UV and IR radiation emitted during welding processes.


The effectiveness of welding glasses depends heavily on selecting the correct shade. Phillips Safety provides glasses in various shades, ensuring that welders can find the perfect match for their specific needs. For most welding applications, a shade of 5 to 8 is sufficient, but for more intense welding, shades up to 14 may be required.


The glasses are designed to filter out harmful radiation effectively, reducing the risk of welding flash.


Crafted with the wearer’s comfort in mind, these glasses are not only protective but also comfortable for long-term wear.


Phillips Safety glasses cater to various welding environments, ensuring that every welder’s needs are met, regardless of the welding method or intensity.


All glasses meet rigorous safety standards, providing assurance of their protective capabilities.


Phillips Safety doesn’t just stop at providing basic protection. They integrate the latest technology and innovation in their products, ensuring that welders have the most advanced protection available. This includes features like anti-fog coatings, scratch-resistant surfaces, and ergonomic designs.


In summary, when it comes to preventing welding flash, the right glasses are crucial. Phillips Safety offers a range of glasses in the necessary shades to provide optimal protection. By choosing Phillips Safety, welders can ensure they are adequately protected against the risks associated with their profession.

If you still aren’t sure which welding glasses are right for you, it’s a good idea to give us a call at 1-866-575-1307 or talk to us through our chat or e-mail us at service@phillips-safety.com

Our experts will be able to tell you what you need for your application.


How to Make DIY Solar Eclipse Glasses with Shade 14 Welding Circles 50mm

Eclipses are one of nature’s most spectacular displays, and watching a solar eclipse is a thrilling experience. However, the safety of your eyes should always be your top priority. You can’t look at the sun directly without serious risk to your eyesight. Commercially available solar eclipse glasses are a popular choice, but did you know you can make your own with shade 14 welding circles? Let’s dive into how you can do this.



Heavy stock paper or cardboard

Scissors or a craft knife


Tape or glue


A pen or marker

A ruler or straight edge


As you prepare for the next solar eclipse, use this step by step to make your DIY Solar Eclipse Glasses.

1: Gather Your Materials:

First, ensure you have all the necessary materials. The most crucial part is the shade 14 welding circles, as they are the only safe filter to look directly at the sun.

2: Design Your Frames:

Using heavy stock paper or cardboard, design the frames for your glasses. You can get creative here! They can be as simple or as fancy as you like. Just make sure they are sturdy enough to hold the welding circles securely.

3: Cut Out the Frames:

Once you have your design, use scissors or a craft knife to cut out the frames. If you’re doing this with children, adult supervision is essential.

4: Mark the Position for the Circles:

On the frames, mark where the welding circles will go. Ensure the circles will align with your eyes when you wear the glasses.

5: Attach the Welding Circles:

Carefully tape or glue the welding circles to the inside of the frames where you’ve marked. Be sure not to scratch or damage the circles.

6: Assemble the Glasses:

Once the circles are securely attached, finish assembling your glasses. If your design has arms, attach them securely so they can hold the glasses on your face.

7: Test Your Glasses:

Before the eclipse, test your glasses in a safe environment. Look at a bright light and ensure no light leaks through the material around the welding circles. Remember, safety is key!



Do not use the glasses if the welding circles are scratched or damaged.


Do not substitute the shade 14 welding circles with any other material, as they may not provide adequate protection.


Never look at the sun through binoculars, a telescope, or a camera while wearing these glasses.


Creating your own solar eclipse glasses can be a rewarding project, especially if you’re preparing for an eclipse viewing party or an educational event. Remember, while making your DIY glasses can be fun, ensuring they are safe is crucial. Enjoy the wonders of the solar eclipse safely with your custom-made glasses!

Remember, this blog is for informational purposes only. Ensure that any DIY solar eclipse glasses you make are safe and meet all necessary safety standards to protect your eyes from harm.

If you still aren’t sure which welding lenses are right for you, it’s a good idea to give us a call at 1-866-575-1307 or talk to us through our chat or e-mail us at service@phillips-safety.com

Our experts will be able to tell you what you need for your application.


Safety Glasses for Laser Engraving: Essential Protection for Precision Work


Laser engraving is a precision art that demands not just skill but also the right safety measures. Among these, the most crucial is using safety glasses specifically designed for laser engraving. These glasses serve as a protective shield for your eyes against the harmful effects of laser beams.


Optical Density (OD): The effectiveness of laser safety glasses is measured in Optical Density (OD), which indicates the amount of light from specific wavelengths that the glasses can absorb or block. The higher the OD, the better the protection.

Wavelength Protection: Laser engraving machines emit light at specific wavelengths. Therefore, it’s vital to choose safety glasses that protect against your laser’s particular wavelength.




These glasses are more than just ordinary eyewear. They are designed to fit securely and comfortably, providing full coverage to prevent direct or scattered laser beams from reaching the eyes.



Safety glasses for laser engraving are engineered to balance protection with visibility. They ensure enough visible light transmission so you can see your work clearly while staying protected.



The best safety glasses offer protection across a range of wavelengths, making them versatile for different types of laser engraving tasks.



When choosing safety glasses for laser engraving, consider the following:


Ensure the glasses you select are rated for the specific wavelength of your laser.



Since laser engraving can take time, comfort is key. Choose glasses that fit well and don’t cause discomfort over long periods.


Select glasses with the appropriate OD for your laser’s power output.



Look for glasses that meet safety standards and are certified for laser protection.


Eye Protection is Paramount in Laser Engraving. Safety should never be an after thought in the detailed and precise world of laser engraving. Investing in high-quality safety glasses designed for laser engraving ensures your vision is protected while creating and innovating. Remember, the right pair of safety glasses is not just a tool but a necessary companion in your laser engraving journey.

If you still aren’t sure which laser glasses are right for you, it’s a good idea to give us a call at 1-866-575-1307 or talk to us through our chat or e-mail us at service@phillips-safety.com

Our experts will be able to tell you what you need for your application.


Welding Shop Window Film Shade 5: New at Phillips Safety Products

The world of welding is fraught with potential hazards, one of the most common being welder’s flash. Phillips Safety Products has rolled out an essential new product: the Welding Shop Window Film Shade 5 to combat this. This innovative solution is specifically designed to shield against the dangers of welder’s flash and can be effortlessly applied to any glass window, making it an invaluable addition to any welding environment.


Welder’s flash, also known as arc eye, is a condition caused by exposure to the intense ultraviolet (UV) light produced during welding. This can lead to several risks, including:

Eye Injuries: The UV light can cause inflammation of the cornea, leading to temporary vision loss and discomfort.

Skin Damage: Similar to a sunburn, the skin can be harmed by exposure to UV light, resulting in burns and long-term skin issues.

Increased Accident Risk: Impaired vision from a welder’s flash can lead to accidents and injuries in the workplace.

These risks underscore the need for effective protective measures in areas where welding takes place.


The Welding Shop Window Film Shade 5 from Phillips Safety Products is a robust solution designed to address these concerns. Its key features and benefits include:

1: Simple Application:

The film is versatile and can be applied to any glass window, making it suitable for various work environments.

2: Optimal Protection:

With its Shade 5 rating, it substantially filters out harmful UV rays, offering crucial protection to those in the vicinity of welding activities.

3: Durability:

Constructed with high-quality, resilient materials, the film can endure the demanding conditions of welding areas.

4: Enhanced Workplace Safety:

Its installation can significantly improve safety standards, ensuring a healthier work environment.

5: Cost-Effective Safety Solution:

It represents a long-term safety investment, reducing the need for frequent replacements.


Protecting against welder’s flash is vital for several reasons:

Preventing Eye and Skin Injuries: Effective protection like the Welding Shop Window Film can drastically reduce the occurrence of painful and potentially debilitating injuries.


Compliance with Safety Regulations: Many industries are mandated to follow strict safety protocols, including protecting employees from the hazards of welding.

Improved Working Conditions: The film reduces glare and enhances visibility, leading to a more comfortable and efficient working environment.


Liability Reduction: A safer workplace minimizes the risks of legal issues and compensation claims.


The application of the Welding Shop Window Film Shade 5 is user-friendly. It can be custom-fit to any window and attaches seamlessly. Maintenance involves simple cleaning with gentle cleaning solutions, helping preserve its clarity and protective properties.


Phillips Safety Products’ introduction of the Welding Shop Window Film Shade 5 is a significant step forward in welding safety. This product effectively addresses the urgent need for welder’s flash protection, showcasing Phillips Safety Products’ dedication to innovative and practical safety solutions. Implementing this window film is wise for any setting where welding is regularly performed. It offers protection and peace of mind, ensuring a safer, more compliant, and productive workplace.

If you still aren’t sure which welding products are right for you, it’s a good idea to give us a call at 1-866-575-1307 or talk to us through our chat or e-mail us at service@phillips-safety.com

Our experts will be able to tell you what you need for your application.


How to determine the Right power Cheater lenses to buy for your Welding Helmet

Precision is vital in welding, and a clear line of sight is essential for producing high-quality welds. Cheater lenses can be a game-changer when your vision isn’t up to par. This technical guide will explore the specifics of choosing the correct magnification for power cheaters in your welding helmet. We’ll explore how working distance affects magnification requirements and reveal how cheaper lenses can often be compared to drugstore reading glasses to find your ideal power cheater strength.

Understanding Magnification Strength

Magnification strength is measured in diopters (D), which represents the optical power of the lens. When choosing cheater lenses, the right magnification strength is crucial to ensure optimal vision while welding. Here’s a breakdown of how to determine the appropriate strength:

1. Assess Your Working Distance: The first step in choosing the correct magnification is to consider your working distance. This is the distance between your eyes and the welding task. The farther you work from your welding project, the lower the magnification you’ll need. If you work at varying distances, you consider multiple power cheaters for different functions.

2. Use the Diopter Formula: To calculate the diopter strength you need, you can use the following formula:

Diopter (D) = 1 / Working Distance (in meters). For example, if your working distance is 0.5 meters (50 cm), you need a +2.00 D power cheater.

3. Consider Task Specifics: Different welding tasks may require different magnification strengths. You’ll likely need a higher magnification for intricate TIG welding, whereas MIG or stick welding may require less magnification due to the closer working distance.

Compared to Drugstore Reading Glasses

Interestingly, drugstore reading glasses can serve as a helpful reference point for determining your ideal power cheater strength. The magnification of drugstore reading glasses is usually labeled in diopters, just like power cheaters. Here’s how you can use them:

1. Start with Drugstore Reading Glasses: If you need more clarity about your magnification needs, pick up a few different strengths of drugstore reading glasses, typically ranging from +1.00 D to +3.00 D.

2. Test Your Vision: In a well-lit area, wear reading glasses and attempt to read small text or inspect fine details up close. Pay attention to how comfortable and clear your vision is with each strength.

3. Make Comparisons: Once you find a pair of reading glasses that provide clear vision at your working distance, note the labeled diopter strength. This strength can be a valuable reference when selecting your power cheater.

4. Adjust for Working Distance: Use the earlier formula to adjust the diopter strength based on your working distance.

Quality Matters

While comparing to drugstore reading glasses is helpful, investing in quality power cheaters designed specifically for welding is essential. These lenses are crafted to meet safety standards, resist impact, and withstand harsh welding environments.


Choosing the right magnification for power cheaters in your welding helmet is a precise process that involves considering your working distance, using the diopter formula, and possibly comparing it to drugstore reading glasses. Ultimately, the goal is to achieve clear vision that enhances your welding precision and safety. Remember that quality and durability are paramount, so invest in power cheaters designed for welding to ensure they stand up to the rigors of your work. You’ll see your welding tasks with newfound clarity and accuracy with the right magnification.

If you still aren’t sure which welding magnification power lens are right for you, it’s a good idea to give us a call at 1-866-575-1307 or talk to us through our chat or e-mail us at service@phillips-safety.com

Our welding experts will be able to tell you what you need for your application.


The Best Multi Wavelength Laser Safety Glasses

In today’s rapidly advancing world, lasers have become an integral part of various industries, including healthcare, research, and manufacturing. However, with the increased use of lasers comes the need for adequate protection to ensure the safety of individuals working with or around laser equipment. That’s where laser safety glasses come into play. In this blog post, we will explore the best Multi Wavelength Laser Safety glasses offered by Phillips Safety. Let’s dive in and discover how these glasses can safeguard your vision effectively.

Understanding Multi Wavelength Laser Safety Glasses

Multi Wavelength Laser Safety glasses are specialized eyewear designed to protect the eyes from the harmful effects of lasers operating at multiple wavelengths. These glasses are equipped with filters or lenses that selectively block specific laser wavelengths while allowing safe levels of visible light to pass through.

Unlike traditional safety glasses or goggles, which may provide general eye protection but lack laser-specific shielding, Multi Wavelength Laser Safety glasses are specifically engineered to block the wavelengths associated with various laser systems. Laser beams can be harmful to the eyes, causing damage ranging from temporary discomfort to permanent vision loss. Therefore, wearing appropriate laser safety glasses is crucial when working with or around lasers.

In addition, Multi Wavelength Laser Safety glasses are designed to attenuate or reduce the intensity of laser light, protecting the eyes from direct exposure. They utilize specialized materials, coatings, and filters that have high optical density (OD) at specific laser wavelengths. The OD rating indicates the level of laser light attenuation provided by the glasses. The higher the OD, the greater the level of protection.

These glasses are available in various styles and designs to suit different laser applications. They can be categorized based on the specific laser wavelengths they are designed to protect against, such as Yag, Alexandrite, Diode, Holmium, Co2, or other commonly used lasers. Each type of Multi Wavelength Laser Safety glasses has its own unique filter or lens that provides selective protection against the corresponding laser wavelength range.

When choosing Multi Wavelength Laser Safety glasses, it is essential to consider the laser wavelengths involved in your work or environment. Different lasers emit light at specific wavelengths, and using safety glasses specifically designed for those wavelengths ensures the highest level of protection. Additionally, it is crucial to verify that the glasses meet recognized safety standards such as ANSI Z87.1 and ANSI Z136.1 to ensure their reliability and effectiveness.

Exploring the Best Multi Wavelength Laser Safety Glasses on the Market

Multiwave Yag, Alexandrite Diode (BG42) Laser Safety Filter:

The BG42 laser safety glasses are designed to provide optimum protection when working with multiwave Yag, Alexandrite, and Diode lasers. These glasses feature a glass light blue lens filter that blocks harmful laser wavelengths, ensuring your eyes remain safe. With an Optical Density (OD) of 7+ at 700-1200nm, they offer superior laser shielding capabilities.

What sets the BG42 laser safety glasses apart is their compliance with industry standards. They meet both ANSI Z87+ and ANSI Z136.1 safety standards, ensuring their reliability and effectiveness. Additionally, these glasses have a visible light transmission (VLT) of 64%, allowing for clear visibility while providing robust laser protection.


The BG42 Laser Safety Glasses model 300, with their durable rectangular frame and adjustable temples, are a recommended choice for professionals in need of reliable eye protection. They are even available in prescription form for added convenience.

Multiwave AKP/Holmium/Yag/Co2 (C1KG5) Laser Safety Filter:

The C1KG5 laser safety glasses are specifically designed to shield your eyes from a wide range of laser wavelengths, including AKP, Holmium, Yag, and Co2. With a glass light green lens filter and an OD of 6+ at 530-570nm, OD 4+ at 870-949nm, and OD 5+ at 950-999nm, these glasses offer comprehensive protection.

In addition to their superior laser-blocking capabilities, the C1KG5 laser glasses comply with ANSI Z87.1 and ANSI Z136.1 safety standards, ensuring the highest level of safety. With a VLT of 75%, these glasses allow for comfortable use without compromising visibility. 


The C1KG5 Laser Safety Glasses model 33, available in both black and tortoise frames, are a recommended choice. Their lightweight fitover frame design, adjustable temples, and integrated side shields provide convenience and versatility.

Multiwave AKP/Diode/Holmium/Yag/Co2 (C2KG5) Laser Safety Filter:

Similar to the C1KG5 glasses, the C2KG5 laser safety glasses are engineered to protect against AKP, Diode, Holmium, Yag, and Co2 lasers. Featuring a glass light green lens filter and an OD of 6+ at 530-570nm, OD 4+ at 655-664nm, OD 5+ at 665-679nm, and OD 6+ at 680-695nm, these glasses offer exceptional laser shielding.

The C2KG5 laser glasses adhere to the ANSI Z87.1 and ANSI Z136.1 safety standards, providing peace of mind and reliability. With a VLT of 75%, these glasses ensure clear vision while safeguarding your eyes from hazardous laser wavelengths. 


The C2KG5 Laser Safety Glasses model 66, available in black and silver frames, offer a stylish and oversized design. The adjustable temples and permanent side shields enhance both comfort and protection.

Multiwave YAG Harmonics Alexandrite Diode (YHAD) Laser Safety Filter:

The YHAD laser safety glasses offer robust protection against YAG Harmonics, Alexandrite, and Diode lasers. Their polycarbonate amber lens filter, with an OD of 5+ at 190-534nm, OD 6+ at 730-1090nm, and OD 7+ at 1064nm, ensures comprehensive laser blocking. 

With ANSI Z87+ and ANSI Z136.1 safety certifications, the YHAD laser glasses meet the highest industry standards. Although they have a VLT of 10.6%, the YHAD glasses still provide adequate visibility for laser-related tasks.


The YHAD Laser Safety Glasses 206, featuring a rectangular wrap-around frame, rubberized nosepads, rubberized temples, integrated side shields, and a removable dust dam, are a durable and comfortable choice.

In summary, Multi Wavelength Laser Safety glasses are specialized eyewear designed to protect the eyes from harmful laser wavelengths. They employ filters or lenses that selectively block specific laser wavelengths while allowing safe levels of visible light to pass through. By wearing these glasses, individuals working with lasers can safeguard their vision and reduce the risk of eye damage or injury.

Protecting your vision should be a top priority when working with lasers. Phillips Safety’s range of Multi Wavelength Laser Safety glasses offers unparalleled eye protection, meeting stringent safety standards and effectively blocking harmful laser wavelengths. Whether you work with Yag, Alexandrite, Diode, Holmium, or Co2 lasers, there is a suitable option available. 

Invest in the best Multi Wavelength Laser Safety glasses from Phillips Safety and ensure the well-being of your eyes as you continue to work in laser-intensive environments.

If you still aren’t sure which laser glasses are right for you, it’s a good idea to give us a call at 1-866-575-1307 or talk to us through our chat or e-mail us at service@phillips-safety.com

Our laser experts will be able to tell you what you need for your application.


How to Select the Correct Mobile Lead Shield

In facilities where radiation exposure is a concern, such as medical centers, laboratories, and industrial sites, protecting personnel and the environment is of utmost importance. One effective solution for ensuring safety is the use of mobile lead shields. These shields provide portable and versatile protection against harmful radiation. However, choosing the right mobile lead shield can be a daunting task. 

To assist you in making an informed decision, we have compiled a step-by-step guide to help you select the correct mobile lead shield for your specific requirements.

Step 1: Understand the Purpose

Before delving into the selection process, it’s crucial to understand the purpose for which you require a mobile lead shield or porta shield. Are you looking to protect staff members during medical procedures, secure a specific area, or transport radioactive materials safely? By clearly defining your needs, you can narrow down the options and make an appropriate choice.

Step 2: Identify the Required Protection Level

Different facilities have varying radiation exposure levels, necessitating different levels of shielding. Consider the maximum radiation dose that may be encountered in your facility and choose a mobile lead shield that offers the appropriate level of protection. The shielding effectiveness is typically measured in terms of lead equivalence, denoted as millimeters of lead (Pb).

At Phillips Safety, we take pride in offering a wide range of mobile lead shields that cater to various radiation protection needs. Our collection includes shields with exceptional shielding properties, such as our 2.0mm PbEq (glass) and 0.5mm PbEq (acrylic) protection level options. 

Our shields provide reliable protection against harmful radiation while offering the added benefit of visibility through high-quality glass or acrylic materials. With our commitment to safety and innovation, you can trust that our mobile lead shields will meet your specific requirements and deliver the utmost protection for your personnel and environment.

Step 3: Consider the Shielding Material

Mobile lead shields are typically constructed using various materials, such as lead, leaded glass, and lead-free alternatives. Lead is the most commonly used material due to its high density and exceptional radiation attenuation properties. However, if you have concerns about lead exposure or prefer lead-free options, you can explore shields made from other materials that provide comparable protection.

Step 4: Evaluate Portability and Ease of Use

The mobility of the lead shield is crucial, especially if you require it in multiple locations or need to transport it frequently. Consider factors such as weight, size, and maneuverability. Opt for a mobile lead shield that is lightweight, compact, and equipped with features like smooth-rolling casters and ergonomic handles to ensure easy transportation and positioning.

Step 5: Verify Compliance with Safety Regulations

When it comes to radiation protection, adherence to safety regulations is paramount. Ensure that the mobile lead shield you select complies with relevant safety standards and guidelines. This ensures that the shield meets the necessary quality and safety requirements.

At Phillips Safety, we offer a full collection of mobile lead and porta shields that provides the utmost protection from potential radiation exposure during things like imaging procedures. 

Step 6: Choosing the Model

Within the category of mobile lead shields, there are various models available, differing in window size, design, and additional features. Consider the size of the area you wish to protect and the tasks that need to be performed while maintaining radiation safety. Evaluate the window size and positioning options to ensure proper visibility and accessibility without compromising shielding effectiveness.

The highest-quality lead shield are available in Phillips Safety’s Lead Shields collection. Specially designed for radiation protection, our shields are highly portable and extremely durable.

Step 7: Seek Expert Advice

Selecting the correct mobile lead shield can be a complex decision. If you have any doubts or require assistance, don’t hesitate to seek expert advice. At Phillips Safety, our dedicated team is always ready to provide guidance and support. Feel free to reach out to us with any questions or concerns you may have.

Where to find the Right Mobile Lead Shields

Choosing the right mobile lead shield is crucial for ensuring the safety of personnel and the environment in radiation-prone facilities. By following these step-by-step guidelines, you can make an informed decision and select a mobile lead shield that meets your specific requirements. Remember to prioritize the purpose, protection level, shielding material, portability, compliance with safety regulations, and seek expert advice when needed.

For a comprehensive range of mobile lead barriers and radiation shields, we invite you to explore our full collection at Phillips Safety. Safeguarding lives and maintaining a safe working environment is our top priority!

If you still aren’t sure which mobile lead shield are right for you, it’s a good idea to give us a call at 1-866-575-1307 or talk to us through our chat or e-mail us at service@phillips-safety.com

Our radiation experts will be able to tell you what you need for your application.


What Type of Glasses should I use for Glassblowing?

Glassblowing can create beautiful works but can be extremely dangerous without the right type of protective equipment. Glassblowing means working with a lot of heat, and some of that heat can turn into unstable sparks that end up flying everywhere. 

Not only should your body have protective covers, but your eyes as well, and glassblowing glasses are a must in every scenario. These types of glasses will protect your eyes against the flying molten debris and help filter out the brightness you’re working with and get you better visual clarity. 


Multiple models can house these light green lenses, which are an excellent option when you’re looking for both optical clarity and efficient protection. With these lenses, you’ll get both excellent UV ray blockage and infrared protection. You can use these lenses for small and large pieces without any issues. 

You’ll also get excellent visuals as these lenses will enhance contrast, thus enhancing what you’re working on while at the same time reducing certain elements of glare. What’s most important, especially when working with smaller pieces, is that you’ll still retain good color recognition wearing a pair of light green glassblowing glasses, so you can work with precision and detail. They also have a visible light transmission (VLT) of 23%. 

They’re also a versatile option perfect for off-hand glass blowing, furnace work, and glory hole work as well, providing the necessary protection and visual clarity in these harsh varied environments. 


The Light Green Glass Blowing Glasses 15011 is a standard rectangular design frame is excellent in housing these light green lenses. They’re extremely durable and lightweight due to their quality plastic construction material. 

You’ll also get integrated side shields that help add a layer of peripheral protection against any splash while working. The nose pads for the Model 15011 are also adjustable for the ideal fit every time. You can get these in eight different color options. 


The Light Green Glass Blowing Glasses EGM is another excellent option with a wraparound design that helps ensure a snug and secure fit. These also come with light green polycarbonate constructed lenses, making them a great choice for glassblowing glasses

The wraparound frame, by default, also helps to protect the size, and the temples and nose pads are rubberized to ensure that they don’t slip off. There’s also an adjustable strap to make the fit even tighter if necessary. You can get these in a red, gray, blue, or black frame color. 


The Light Green Glass Blowing Glasses 70PC comes in a wayfarer design and is sized best for those with a small to medium-sized head. While you’ll already get excellent protective elements against UV and infrared, you’ll also get a lightweight frame you want to wear all day. This model also comes with side shields that are removable when not needed but do enhance peripheral protection as well. You can get these in a black frame option. 

In the end, ensure that you conduct the appropriate research, and if you need additional professional advice, consider reaching out to us at Phillips Safety. We’ll be glad to walk you through all our glassworking safety glasses and our entire light green glassblowing glasses here

If you still aren’t sure which glassblowing glasses are right for you, it’s a good idea to give us a call at 1-866-575-1307 or talk to us through our chat or e-mail us at service@phillips-safety.com

Our glassblowing experts will be able to tell you what you need for your application.


Understanding the Differences: Radiation Shielding Glass vs. Lead Acrylic

Keep in mind that when it comes to getting a lead shield, both options will give you the necessary protection you’re looking for. It all just comes down to understanding where the key differences lie. This way, as a customer, you can make the best decision about whether to go with radiation-shielding glass or lead acrylic protection. 

Core differences between lead acrylic and radiation-shielding glass:


Lead glass is durable and resists chemicals and UV radiation, maintaining transparency and allowing more light, but it will darken through ionizing radiation exposure. So keep in mind that it won’t always be completely clear.  On the other hand, lead acrylic comes with a bit of color. Through wear and tear, lead acrylic typically darkens from UV rays, chemicals, and other radiation. At the same time, lead acrylic tends to be less reflective, which means it won’t have any glare issues. 

 Lead equivalencies

Radiation shielding glass will tend to be thinner and offer more Pb equivalency protection than lead acrylic. For lead acrylic to match the similar Pb equivalency, it will tend to need to be around four to five times thicker to get to the same level, which also will end up making it heavier.  


Lead acrylic is much easier to handle during shipping, as any type of lead shield made with glass will be a lot more fragile. With that said, once it’s properly installed, the scratch resistance will be much better and higher with glass versus lead acrylic. 

Options for either radiation shield glass or lead acrylic:

No matter what, Philips Safety does its best to cater to your needs and will typically carry both options based on your preference.

MRI-Safe Mobile Leaded Aluminum Barriers

This MRI-Safe Mobile Leaded Aluminum Barrier is the perfect lead shield to provide protection that’s MRI-friendly. The MRI-Safe Mobile Leaded Aluminum Barrier 30 x 60″ window version Its total height is 75 inches, and it comes with a 30-inch by 60-inch window that can be made of either lead acrylic or Schott leaded glass. You’ll get 0.5mm Pb lead equivalency protection if you choose lead acrylic. For those that go with the Schott leaded glass, you can expect a 2.0mm Pb lead equivalency of protection.

The MRI-Safe Mobile Leaded Aluminum Barrier with 30” x 48” window version comes in the same height as the lead shield mentioned above, at 75 inches, but simply comes with a smaller window. The window is 30 inches by 48 inches, and you have the same option of going with the 2.0mm Pb lead equivalency of protection with the Schott leaded glasses or the lead acrylic material, providing 0.5mm Pb lead equivalency of protection. It’s easy to transport with the caster locking base that has legs made out of steel.

Do keep in mind that either option, while meant to be mobile, is always best handled by two people to help move it from location to location. 

All things considered, radiation safety is essential in medical facilities and lead shields are an effective solution for protecting professionals from the harmful effects of X-ray radiation. The Phillips Safety Lead Shields collection offers superior protection, quality, and reliability, making them an excellent choice for healthcare professionals. 

We hope this article has given you a good understanding of the differences between Radiation Shielding Glass vs. Lead Acrylic. If you have any questions or need more information about lead shields or other safety gear, our customer service team is always available to help. Don’t hesitate to reach out to us and we will be happy to assist you.

If you still aren’t sure which lead shield are right for you, it’s a good idea to give us a call at 1-866-575-1307 or talk to us through our chat or e-mail us at service@phillips-safety.com

Our radiation experts will be able to tell you what you need for your application.


Understanding the Differences Between Welding Glasses Shades

When it comes to welding safety glasses, not just any type of lens will do. The right shade and color are essential to ensure proper protection for the welder’s eyes and face. This is because intense light and heat are produced during welding. 

Welding glass is a specialized type of glass that is designed to protect the welder’s eyes and face from the intense light and heat generated during the welding process. The level of protection provided by welding glass depends on the shade of the glass. The darker the shades of the lens, the better the protection. 

The shade range typically goes from 4 to 14, but it is important to consider the type of welding being done. That is why Phillips Safety offers a range of welding glasses and welding lenses to suit various welding needs. 

In this blog, we’ll explore the differences between the shades and help you choose the right one for your needs.

 Welding Glass Shades

Welding safety glasses come in a range of shades, from clear to very dark. The shade number indicates the degree of darkness of the lens, with higher numbers indicating darker lenses. The American National Standards Institute (ANSI) and the Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) provide guidelines on the recommended shade number for specific welding processes.

The welding glasses at Phillips Safety come with optical-quality German glass lenses in various shades. Whether you choose Green or Cobalt Blue lens filters, with IR shades available from 2.0 to 8.0. Our welding safety glasses are great options for torchwork, brazing, and molten metal observation where a full face mask is not needed.

You can either wear welding glasses or lenses that can attach to protective helmets. Remember, the darker the tint – the less visible light is also transmitted.

Green Welding Glasses

Green welding glasses are the most commonly used lens color for welding. They offer excellent protection from the bright light and intense heat produced during welding. Green lenses block out harmful UV and IR radiation, making them suitable for most welding processes.

Phillips Safety Green welding glasses come in different shades, ranging from shades 2.0, 3.0, 4.0, 5.0, 6.0, and 8.0. The lower the shade number, the lighter the lens, while the higher the number, the darker the lens. 

If you’re looking for reliable and effective protection during welding, we highly recommend our best-selling Green Welding Glasses model 33, and Green Welding Goggles RK2.

The Green Welding Glasses 33 come with six options for filter shades 2.0, 3.0, 4.0, 5.0, 6.0, and 8.0. Meet ANSI Z87.1 and EN166, and EN169 safety standarts. The CE-certified lenses come in a green shade and are an excellent option for welding needs. In addition, they have a wraparound style, so there is no need for side shields.

For those that are looking for a more snug fit that will stay securely on your face and protect your peripherals via the adjustable headband, then the Rk2 Welding Goggle is your option. Available in black, they also have a neoprene foam eyecup to prevent dirt and debris from entering. They have similar ratings, both ANSI Z87.1 and again EN166 and EN169. The shades are the same as the Model 33 above with Green glass lenses. 

Cobalt Blue Welding Glasses

Unlike green lenses, cobalt blue lenses are not as commonly used, but they offer superior protection against bright flashes of light, especially in gas welding or brazing. These lenses provide protection against both InfraRed and UV radiance and are ideal for use in molten metal, observation, foundries, steel, glassworks, and fiberglass. Additionally, they can enhance color perception and reduce eye strain, making them an excellent choice for workers who need to perform detailed work.

A great option is the Welding Glasses 70-PC with cobalt blue lenses that are made from glass and CE certified. They come in four shade options, 4.0, 5.0, 6.0, and 8.0. They also come with an ultra-lightweight frame to hold the heavier glass lenses. This model also reaches ANSI Z87.1 as well as both EN166 and 169 ratings. There’s also additional protection from the side shields. 

Welding Lenses

In addition to these welding glass shades, Phillips Safety also offers welding lenses in different formats and colors. All the options below come in the same smaller dimensions of 2 by 4.25 inches. 

You can get the Gold Welding Lens that’s straight from Europe and completely made of glass. You can get these rated in shades 9, 10, 11, 12, and 14. The lenses themselves also meet both CSA Z94.3 and ANSI Z87.1 ratings. Or you can go for a similar option to the green shaded lenses vial, the Alloweld Welding Lens option. 

They also help reduce special flares and enhance contrast when working with some metals. This model also eliminates the arc typically needed. You can get them in numerous shades, nine total, from 4, 5, 6, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, and 14. 

Your final option could be the Cobalt Blue Metal Working Filter Lens which is excellent when you need to block out UV rays in the 780 to 2000 nm range or when you’re facing heat up to 1800 degrees Celsius. You have four shade options with them, 4, 5, 6, and 8, and they all are EN 166 and EN 171 certified. 

All of our welding lenses meet the industry’s safety standards, so you can be confident that you are getting high-quality, reliable protection when you choose Phillips Safety. We understand that different welding applications require different levels of protection, which is why we offer such a wide range of welding glass shades and lens formats. Whether you are working in a high-amperage welding environment or a low-amperage metalworking environment, we have the right welding glass shade for your needs.

In conclusion

Welding glass shades are an important factor to consider when choosing welding helmets and goggles for protection during the welding process. At Phillips Safety, we offer a wide range of welding glass shades and lens formats to meet the specific needs of your application. With our high-quality, safety-compliant welding glass lenses, you can be confident that you are getting the best possible protection for your eyes and face while welding.

If you still aren’t sure which welding glasses are right for you, it’s a good idea to give us a call at 1-866-575-1307 or talk to us through our chat or e-mail us at service@phillips-safety.com

Our welding experts will be able to tell you what you need for your application.


Solar eclipse glasses VS Welders glasses shade 14

When it comes to viewing a solar eclipse, eye protection is paramount. This is where solar eclipse glasses and welding glasses shade 14 come into play.

Both solar eclipse glasses and welding glasses shade 14 are designed to protect your eyes from the harmful rays of the sun during a solar eclipse. However, there are some important differences between the two that you should be aware of before making a choice.

Solar Eclipse Glasses

Solar eclipse glasses are designed specifically for viewing solar eclipses. They are made from a special material that blocks out harmful UV and infrared radiation, as well as visible light, except for a small amount of visible light that is safe to view. They are typically made from a thin, flexible material that can be easily folded and stored in your pocket or purse.

Solar eclipse glasses are designed to be used only during a solar eclipse. They are not suitable for everyday use, as they block out most visible light and can make it difficult to see. They are also not suitable for use with binoculars or telescopes, as they can cause the lenses to heat up and crack.

Welding Glasses Shade 14

Welding glasses shade 14, on the other hand, are designed for use by welders. They are made from a much darker material than solar eclipse glasses and are designed to block out all visible light except for a small amount of green light. This makes them much darker than solar eclipse glasses, which allow some visible light through.

Welding glasses shade 14 are also much more durable than solar eclipse glasses. They are made from a thicker, more rigid material that can withstand the heat and sparks produced by welding. They are also suitable for use with binoculars and telescopes, as they do not cause the lenses to heat up and crack.

Which is the Safer Option?

If you’re planning on viewing a solar eclipse, investing in welding glasses shade 14 can be the wiser choice. Welding glasses shade 14 are designed to block out all visible light except for a small amount of green light, which makes them much safer to use.

But it is important to note that welding glasses shade 14 should only be used for viewing a solar eclipse if they are certified as safe for this purpose. Not all welding glasses are suitable for use during a solar eclipse, so be sure to check with the manufacturer or a reputable supplier before using them for this purpose.

The good news is that Phillips Safety offers a line of Welding Glasses shade 14 that is fully compliant with all ISO 12312-2:2015 transmission requirements for direct solar observation. This means that the glasses have been tested and certified to provide the necessary protection from harmful solar radiation, ensuring a safe and enjoyable viewing experience. With Phillips Safety’s welding glasses shade 14, you can rest assured that you are getting a high-quality and trustworthy product for your solar eclipse viewing needs.

As if that weren’t enough, here are more advantages of buying welding glasses shade 14 for viewing a solar eclipse:

Provides Full Eye Protection: Welding glasses shade 14 are designed to block out all visible light except for a small amount of green light. This makes them much darker than solar eclipse glasses, which allow some visible light through. With welding glasses shade 14, you can be sure that your eyes are fully protected from the harmful rays of the Sun.

Durable and Reusable: Welding glasses shade 14 are made from a thicker and more rigid material than solar eclipse glasses, which makes them more durable. They are designed to withstand the heat and sparks produced by welding and are often tested to meet strict safety standards. This means that they can be reused for future solar eclipses or for other purposes, making them a more cost-effective option in the long run.

Versatile Use: Welding glasses shade 14 are not only suitable for viewing solar eclipses but can also be used for other outdoor activities that require eye protection, such as observing sunspots or stargazing. They can also be used by welders for their intended purpose, making them a practical tool to have in your toolkit.

Availability: Solar eclipse glasses may be more difficult to find in stores or online during peak times of solar eclipses. In contrast, welding glasses shade 14 are readily available from reputable suppliers and can be purchased year-round. This means you can easily prepare for future solar eclipses without worrying about availability.

High-Quality Optics: Welding glasses shade 14 are designed to provide clear optics with minimal distortion. This makes them suitable for use with binoculars and telescopes, which can enhance the viewing experience of a solar eclipse. Additionally, welding glasses shade 14 lenses are often treated with coatings to improve scratch resistance and reduce glare, making them more comfortable to use.

Where to Find Welding Glasses Shade 14 That Meet Safety Standards

At Phillips Safety, we are committed to providing top-quality safety gear to our customers. We understand the importance of reliable eye protection, especially during activities such as welding or solar eclipse viewing. That is why we take pride in offering a wide range of products, including solar eclipse – welding glasses shade 14, that meet all safety standards and requirements. Our welding glasses shade 14 have been rigorously tested and certified to provide maximum protection against harmful solar radiation. You can trust that you will find the best options for your safety needs at Phillips Safety. With our commitment to quality and safety, you can feel confident that you are getting a trustworthy product that will keep you protected.

If you have any questions or concerns about Welding Glasses Shade 14, please do not hesitate to contact us at Phillips Safety. Our team of experts is always available to help answer your questions and provide guidance on selecting the right product for your needs. You can also visit our website to see our selection of Welding Glasses Shade 14 and learn more about their features and benefits. At Phillips Safety, we are committed to providing the highest level of customer service and satisfaction, and we are always happy to assist you in any way we can!

If you still aren’t sure which solar eclipse glasses are right for you, it’s a good idea to give us a call at 1-866-575-1307 or talk to us through our chat or e-mail us at service@phillips-safety.com

Our safety glasses experts will be able to tell you what you need for your application.


Why are gold welding lenses the best?

Those that are looking for the best option for welding lenses should go for a gold lens welding option. These lenses are known to be best for welding for many reasons. That doesn’t mean other welding lenses are a poor option; it just means those looking for the top should go with this option. 

The benefits of gold lens FOR welding

The first benefit many will notice is how they actually help to improve visibility. They tend to be at the highest shade, ranging from ratings 9 to 14, but even so, they still offer the best optical clarity for heavy-duty welding work. 

Another major benefit of gold-coated welding lenses is that they can reduce eye strain over long-term usage, which leads to reduced fatigue as well. That means you can weld in a focused state and not make mistakes or damage items through your welding work. 

With gold lens welding options, you actually have protection against three different types of radiation that can occur during welding activities. It also helps to reduce the reflection of infrared radiation by 90%, which reduces heat exposure as well. That’s a big advantage of gold welding lens equipment, as the other lens types won’t help reduce the scorching heat in welding activities. 

If you go with green or alloweld lenses for welding, they will protect your eyes, but they will have a much lower shade rating, meaning that things such as glare can become an issue. Some may opt for cobalt blue lenses, but those are less for working and more for observing the work being done. 

Options when looking for gold welding lens items

Philips Safety proudly carries this superior-quality product for those that are looking for one of the best options. As mentioned earlier, you can select from five different shades, rated from shade level 9 all the way up to 14 (no 13 rating). 

In addition, they are constructed in Europe with the highest quality materials possible. Therefore, you will have some of the best optics out there, and at the same time, the gold welding lens comes with impact and velocity resistance of ANSI Z87.1 as well as CSA Z94.3 ratings. 

We are carrying two different sizes that are identical in every other way besides their dimensions. Our gold welding lens – a small version is 2 inches high by 4.25 inches wide. 

For those that work with the larger welding helmets, we also carry a gold welding lens – a large version. This one comes in at 4.5 inches high and 5.25 inches wide. Of course, you want to make sure to get the correct size up front; otherwise, it won’t fit properly with your welding helmet. 

In the end

A welding gold lens will always be superior to other options and is always priced competitively with us. Do keep in mind that it’s typically best for those looking for optimal performance and safety when it comes to eye protection and fatigue. 

If you still aren’t sure which welding lenses are right for you, it’s a good idea to give us a call at 1-866-575-1307 or talk to us through our chat or e-mail us at service@phillips-safety.com

Our welding experts will be able to tell you what you need for your application.


Choosing Welding Lenses Made Easy

Phillips Safety offers an extensive selection of high-quality welding lenses to suit most welding applications. We provide not only a variety when it comes to the filter options of our welding lenses, but in the sizes and shapes. 

Our welding lenses include cobalt blue and athermal green lenses, which can be purchased as welding glasses. Besides these, our selection also contains alloweld lensclear glass cover lensgold welding lenssuper blue drop in lenssuper magenta drop in lens, and welding magnifier lens.

Here we offer flat lenses for goggles, helmets, and masks in standard sizes and shades. We also have standard welding shades with added protection from sodium flare for working with cast iron, aluminum, and stainless steel. Phillips Safety’s standard lens sizes are also available with a gold mirror for added heat protection, and all of our welding glass is the highest quality German glass, with no bubbles, striation, or optical distortion. In addition, Phillips Safety’s welding lenses are available in rectangular and circular shapes, with different sizes. Both standard and custom sizes and shapes are available upon request.

How welding lens works

Welding lens work by filtering out harmful radiation emitted during welding. When you weld, the welding arc produces a bright light that can damage your eyes if you’re not wearing proper eye protection. Welding lens are designed to block out the UV and IR radiation while still allowing visible light to pass through. The welding lenses are made of a special material that filters out specific wavelengths of light, providing different levels of protection.

Passive lenses work by using a fixed shade level to filter out the light. The higher the shade level, the darker the lens will be. Auto-darkening lenses work by using sensors to detect the bright light from the welding arc. When the sensors detect the light, they send a signal to the LCD display, which darkens the lens within milliseconds. Once the arc is extinguished, the lens returns to its normal, clear state.

How to determine the welding shade that’s best for you

Determining the welding shade that is best for you depends on several factors, such as the welding process, the material being welded, and the amperage or power level of the welding equipment.

In other words, your choice of welding shade should depend upon the type of welding you’re doing, and there is typically a range of accepted shades so there is some room for personal preference.

OSHA provides guidelines for the minimum shade level required for various welding processes, materials, and amperage levels. Consult safety guidelines and regulations here.

If you still aren’t sure which welding lenses are right for you, it’s a good idea to give us a call at 1-866-575-1307 or talk to us through our chat or e-mail us at service@phillips-safety.com

Our welding experts will be able to tell you what you need for your application.


Top-Quality Glassworking and Lampworking Glasses: Find your perfect match

Hot glass workers use a variety of tools and techniques to create beautiful and intricate works of art. However, working with glass can also be hazardous to their health, as exposure to certain types of light can cause eye damage and other health issues. In this article, we’ll explore the types of light that glass workers need to protect against and the filters available to protect against these harmful waves.

Shade, Material, and Protection: Choosing the Right Lampworking Lens

Lampworking and Glassworking require precision and focus, making it essential to have the right type of lens for optimal visibility and protection. When it comes to choosing the appropriate lens type for your glassworking lampworking safety glasses, several factors need to be taken into consideration, including how dark you want the lens and what types of visible or invisible light you need to protect against for your glassworking application.

In general, the types of light that glass workers need to protect against are sodium flare, ultraviolet (UV) light, and infrared (IR) light. 

  • Sodium flare is a bright orange-yellow light that is emitted when certain types of glass are heated. This light can cause eye damage if workers are not protected. 
  • Ultraviolet light is also emitted when glass is heated, and it can cause skin damage and eye problems if workers are not properly protected. 
  • Infrared light is a type of heat radiation that can cause skin burns and eye damage if workers are exposed to it for extended periods of time.

Fortunately, there are filters available to protect against several combinations of these harmful waves. For example, many glass workers use sodium flare filters, which are designed to block out the bright orange-yellow light emitted during glassblowing. These filters can be made from a variety of materials, including glass, plastic, and polycarbonate.

UV filters are also commonly used by glass workers. These filters are designed to block out the harmful ultraviolet rays emitted when glass is heated. Some filters are specifically designed for use with certain types of glass, while others are more general-purpose.

Infrared filters are less commonly used in the glassblowing industry, but they can still be important for workers who are exposed to high levels of heat radiation. These filters are typically made from materials that are resistant to heat and can block out the harmful infrared rays that are emitted during lampworking.

Glassworking lens uses and applications:

Phillips Safety Products offers a wide range of lens options that cater to every glassblowing and lampworking application. Here are the common ways our lenses for glassblowing and lampworking safety glasses are used:

  • The Light Green lenses provide optical clarity and maximum protection against harmful UV and IR radiation in a variety of hot glass applications. Recommended for those who work with off hand glass blowing, glory hole or furnace work, this polycarbonate filter, provides a visual light transmission of 23%.
  • Phillips 202 glass is very efficient in filtering sodium flare in addition to providing ultraviolet protection to 390 nm. The Phillips 202 is becoming a preferable choice of hot glass workers. It is very comfortable for viewing under high ambient light conditions such as when working with hot glass or glowing heat sources for a duration of time. Also, although it has a relatively low luminous transmission of 38%, it is not recommended for sun protection use unless UV filtering coatings are applied.
  • Sodium Flare Polycarbonate lens is the sister lens to the Didymium Lenses. This is a lightweight lens very effective filter for sodium flare absorption in addition to providing excellent ultraviolet (UV) protection up to 390 nm. Not only is it very comfortable for viewing under high ambient light conditions, but it also allows a high Visible Light Transmission permitting you to see in any lighting situation.

This filter has a recommended use of lampworking on soft glass types, neon working, and any other industries that need a Sodium Flare filtration with our IR protection. This lens has very little IR absorption.

  • The BoroTruView 3.0 lenses are made for the true lampworking and hot glass worker artist. These high-quality polycarbonate lenses are especially formulated to offer excellent color recognition when working with colored glass. The IR filter is a color neutral, so you will be able to see the different colors of the glass and the heat being applied. In addition, these lenses provide UV and IR protection.

Lighter than conventional laminated and glass products, the BoroTruView 3.0 lenses are comfortable for all day use. Recommended for those who work with lampwork or hot glass in small pieces.

  • The BoroTruView 5.0 lenses are high-quality polycarbonate lenses, especially formulated to offer excellent color recognition when working with colored glass. Made for the lampworking and hot glass worker, the IR filter is a color neutral, so you will be able to see the different colors of the glass and the heat being applied. In addition, these lenses provide UV and IR protection.

Lighter than conventional laminated and glass products, the BoroTruView 5.0 lenses are comfortable for all day use. Recommended for those who work with lampwork or hot glass in large pieces.

  • The BoroView 3.0 lenses are a revolutionary formulation designed to meet the exact needs for those working with harder, higher temperature of borosilicate glass. These lenses are especially formulated polycarbonate, which are lighter than conventional laminated and glass products. In addition, the BoroView is a full coverage lens, bringing safety and comfort all day use, with an extra UV and IR protection. Perfect for those who work with lampwork or hot glass in small pieces.
  • The BoroView 5.0 lenses are a revolutionary formulation designed to meet the exact needs for those working with harder, higher temperature of borosilicate glass, and need an extra UV and IR protection. These lenses are especially formulated polycarbonate, which are lighter than conventional laminated and glass products. In addition, the BoroView 5 is a full coverage lens, bringing safety and comfort all day use. Perfect for those who work with lampwork or hot glass in large pieces.

In conclusion, glass workers need to protect themselves against sodium flare, ultraviolet (UV) light, and infrared (IR) light when working with glass. Fortunately, there are filters available to protect against these harmful waves. If you are a glass worker, it’s important to invest in the appropriate filters to protect your health and safety while on the job. By taking the necessary precautions, you can enjoy the beauty and creativity of glassblowing without putting your health at risk.

If you still have questions about what’s best for your specific glassblowing or lampworking application, you can contact us or take a look at the website to see our selection. Glassworking safety glasses are essential for most glass work, especially if you plan on doing it regularly. We can also do some amount of customization with split lenses, so call us if you need a specific application addressed, and we’ll find the perfect glass working safety glasses for you. 

If you still aren’t sure which glassworking or lampworking glasses are right for you, it’s a good idea to give us a call at 1-866-575-1307 or talk to us through our chat or e-mail us at service@phillips-safety.com

Our glassworking experts will be able to tell you what you need for your application.


Everything You Need to Know About Laser Safety Goggles

Lasers have revolutionized many industries, from healthcare to manufacturing, by providing precise and efficient ways to cut, engrave, and analyze materials. However, the high intensity and concentrated energy of lasers can also be dangerous, posing risks to the eyes and skin. That’s why laser safety goggles and laser safety glasses are crucial to the safe and effective use of lasers.

What are Laser Safety Goggles?

Laser safety goggles and glasses are designed to protect the eyes from harmful laser radiation by absorbing or reflecting specific wavelengths of light. Laser safety goggles are an essential piece of personal protective equipment for anyone who works with lasers or is exposed to laser radiation. They are typically made of polycarbonate, a durable plastic that can withstand impact and provide optical clarity, while laser safety goggles may have additional features like side shields and anti-fog coatings.

There are different types of laser safety goggles and glasses, each designed to protect against specific laser wavelengths and power levels. If you are not familiar with laser safety terminology, choosing the appropriate laser goggles can be confusing. At Phillips Safety, we offer a wide range of laser safety goggles for different laser types and wavelengths. This article will help you to make more informed decisions about laser protective eyewear.

Meeting Safety Standards: How ANSI Regulations Ensure Effective Laser Eye Protection

The American National Standards Institute (ANSI) has established standards for laser safety eyewear, which include criteria for optical density, damage threshold, and testing methods. It’s important to choose laser safety goggles or glasses that meet these standards and are appropriate for the specific laser you’re working with.

Wearing laser safety goggles can prevent serious eye injuries, including corneal burns, retinal damage, and blindness. Even low-powered lasers can cause damage if the eyes are exposed for extended periods of time. In addition to protecting the eyes, laser safety goggles and glasses can also improve the quality of work by reducing glare and improving contrast.

In some industries, laser safety goggles and glasses are required by law. For example, the Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) requires employers to provide laser safety goggles or glasses to workers who are at risk of eye injury from lasers. In the medical field, laser safety goggles are used during surgical procedures to protect the eyes of patients and medical personnel.

It’s important to note that laser safety goggles and glasses are not foolproof and should be used in conjunction with other safety measures, such as proper training and adherence to laser safety protocols. Laser safety goggles and glasses should also be regularly inspected for damage or wear and replaced as necessary.

How Laser Safety Goggles Work

WAVELENGTH: Laser safety goggles are designed with lenses that offer protection from specific wavelengths of light. These lenses are labeled with the range of wavelengths they protect against, usually noted in ranges like 200-300nm, along with a specific optical density, such as 5+ OD. The wavelength of light is measured in nanometers (nm), and each laser operates at a specific wavelength or range of wavelengths.

OPTICAL DENSITY SPECIFICATIONS: These lenses are often referred to as laser filters because they filter light. It’s important to note that just because a laser beam is not visible, it can still cause serious damage to skin and eyes. Many laser safety filters protect against invisible laser radiation, and the optical density (OD) of a laser filter indicates how much the filter blocks light at a specific wavelength. The higher the OD, the less light gets through at that wavelength.

While some laser filters may appear darker than others, it doesn’t necessarily mean they offer better protection. Protection from lasers occurs in the visible light spectrum (approximately 400-700nm) as well as outside of the visible spectrum (200-400nm; 700-11000nm). Lenses that appear darker only block more light in the visible spectrum than those that appear clearer.

VISIBLE LIGHT TRANSMISSION: Visible light transmission (VLT) is the amount of visible light that passes through the lens and is marked as a percentage. Laser filters in laser safety goggles are typically made of either glass or a type of plastic material. Glass lenses generally have higher VLT than plastic, while plastic lenses are thinner, lighter, and easier to produce with new coverage. The choice of material may depend on various factors, including the desired level of protection and personal preference.

In conclusion, laser safety goggles are essential for the safe and effective use of lasers. They protect the eyes from harmful laser radiation and prevent serious eye injuries. By choosing the appropriate laser safety goggles or glasses and using them in conjunction with other safety measures, workers can ensure a safe and productive laser work environment.

If you need help in selecting the appropriate Laser protection glasses or goggles for your eye safety requirements, the laser safety specialists at Phillips Safety are available to assist you. 

If you still aren’t sure which laser safety goggles are right for you, it’s a good idea to give us a call at 1-866-575-1307 or talk to us through our chat or e-mail us at service@phillips-safety.com

Our laser experts will be able to tell you what you need for your application.


Understanding Why Leaded Glasses Are Heavy

Radiation exposure is a serious concern for professionals who work in environments where radioactive materials are present. In order to minimize the risk of exposure, it’s important to wear protective gear, including leaded glasses. However, some people may find themselves wondering why these glasses are so heavy. In this blog post, we’ll explore the reasons behind the weight of leaded glasses and the importance of investing in high-quality protective gear, like those available from Phillips Safety.

First, it’s important to understand why radiation glasses are necessary. Radiation can be harmful to the human body, causing damage to cells and potentially leading to long-term health effects. Leaded glasses work by blocking harmful radiation, preventing it from entering the eyes and causing damage. However, in order to provide effective protection, the glasses need to be made from a dense material like lead. The weight of lead helps to absorb the radiation, keeping it from reaching the eyes.

So why specifically are leaded glasses so heavy?

The weight of leaded glasses is directly related to the amount of lead used in their production. Leaded glasses are made of a combination of glass and lead. The glass provides optical clarity, while the lead blocks the harmful ionizing radiation. The higher the lead content, the heavier the glasses. 

Lead glasses contain lead oxide,  a compound with the heavy element lead in it. As a result, the lenses of leaded glasses are extremely dense, making them heavier than regular eyewear.

Another reason for the increased weight of leaded glasses is that they typically have larger lenses. These lenses offer a wider coverage area, making them more effective for protecting the wearer’s eyes from radiation exposure. However, the larger lenses also mean that there is more heavy lens material in the glasses, resulting in a heavier overall weight.

To further enhance the grip of lead safety glasses, they are equipped with high-friction nose pads and/or temple pads that prevent them from slipping off the face. In addition, they typically come with some sort of lanyard or holding strap to keep the glasses securely in place.

It’s worth noting that lead lenses are usually composed of about 70% PbO, and they typically attenuate x-ray radiation as well as or better than a 0.75mm thick sheet of pure lead. These glasses are essential for individuals who work in radiation-related fields, and are a necessary safety measure to prevent eye damage caused by radiation exposure.

The Importance of Investing in High-Quality Protective Radiation Glasses

Despite their weight, lead glasses are designed to be ergonomic and efficient in distributing the weight of the lenses throughout the glasses. This maximizes comfort for the wearer while they have to carry the heavy glasses.

The production of radiation glasses requires specialized manufacturing techniques to ensure the glasses’ uniformity and consistency in blocking radiation. However, not all radiation glasses are created equal. High-quality leaded glasses, like those available from Phillips Safety, are designed with both protection and comfort in mind. Our glasses use a combination of lead and other materials to provide effective protection while also keeping the weight of the glasses as low as possible. In addition, our glasses are designed to fit comfortably, with adjustable frames and padded nose bridges that help to distribute the weight evenly across the face.

Investing in high-quality protective gear is crucial for professionals who work in environments where radiation is present. While leaded glasses may be heavy, the protection they provide is well worth the weight. By choosing a trusted provider like Phillips Safety, professionals can rest assured that they are getting the best possible protection against harmful radiation.

If you are shopping for radiation safety glasses, it is important to know that leaded glasses are always going to be heavier than regular glasses due to their high density and large lenses. However, manufacturers of leaded eyewear understand the importance of weight distribution and ensure that their products are comfortable to wear. If you experience discomfort with your leaded or prescription radiation glasses, consider exchanging them for a better fitting pair.

If you’re new to wearing lead glasses, there’s no need to worry. Although heavier than regular glasses, leaded safety glasses are not so heavy that they cause extreme discomfort. They may take some getting used to when worn on the face, but this is similar to adjusting to any new pair of glasses.

If you have any questions about leaded safety glasses, their suitability for your needs, or where to obtain them, please leave a comment below. We would be happy to assist you. Thanks for reading and stay safe!

If you still aren’t sure which leaded glasses are right for you, it’s a good idea to give us a call at 1-866-575-1307 or talk to us through our chat or e-mail us at service@phillips-safety.com

Our Radiation experts will be able to tell you what you need for your application.


Glass and Acrylic Laser Safety Windows: Which One is Right for You?

When it comes to selecting laser safety windows, the choice between glass and acrylic can be challenging. Both materials have their pros and cons, and your specific needs will determine which one to choose. In this article, we’ll explore the differences between the two materials and help you decide which is the best fit for your application.

Laser Safety Window Material: Glass Vs Acrylic

Laser safety windows are essential components for viewing and operating laser systems safely. They are used in a variety of settings, including enclosures, walls, glove boxes, and viewing windows of various sizes.

There are several factors to consider when determining which window material is optimal for your application, including the size of your viewing port, the protection needed, and the possibility of a stray beam striking the laser window for an extended period before being switched off, for example.

With that in mind, here are some factors to consider when choosing between glass and acrylic laser safety windows:

Size: Glass laser safety windows are typically smaller, with common sizes of 6.5 x 6.5 inches. However, custom sizes and shapes are available. On the other hand, acrylic windows are available in larger sizes, up to 2 x 3 feet, and are easier to obtain in custom shapes and sizes.

Protection: Glass laser safety windows offer the highest visible light transmission and optical density protection, making them the safest and easiest to view through. Acrylic windows are often darker, with lower visible light transmission than glass windows, but still provide ample protection from lasers.

Durability: Glass windows can withstand direct contact from a laser beam for much longer than acrylic windows can. Glass has a higher melting point, so it takes longer for the laser to melt and penetrate the material compared to acrylic.

Cost: Acrylic laser safety windows are generally less expensive than glass windows, making them the better choice if you’re on a budget.

Ease of installation: Acrylic windows are generally easier to install than glass windows.

If you are still unsure about what you need for your laser system or what can be accomplished, don’t hesitate to call us at 1-866-575-1307, or contact us through our chat or e-mail us at service@phillips-safety.com so we can discuss what’s best for you. We are confident that at Phillips Safety you will find the perfect laser safety window for your needs!

If you still aren’t sure which laser windows are right for you, it’s a good idea to give us a call at 1-866-575-1307 or talk to us through our chat or e-mail us at service@phillips-safety.com

Our laser experts will be able to tell you what you need for your application.


Staying Ahead of the Game: Why is Laser Eyewear Constantly Developing

Laser safety glasses are essential for anyone working in the laser industry, including medical professionals, researchers, industrial workers, and academics. These glasses provide protection against direct and scattered radiation produced by lasers, which can cause permanent eye damage or even loss of vision.

One may have noticed that laser safety glasses lines are constantly growing and changing. 

But What Drives the Development of Laser Safety Glasses?

As laser technology continues to advance, new types of lasers require more advanced laser safety glasses to ensure complete protection. Multi-lasers, in particular, require technologically advanced laser eyewear to protect against all wavelengths. Phillips Safety, a leading manufacturer of laser safety glasses, is constantly engineering new laser safety glasses to keep up with these advancements.

New laser safety glasses not only offer better protection but also improved working conditions. Many existing laser safety glasses have poor visible light transmission (VLT), making it challenging to work with them. To address this issue, Phillips Safety is working to develop new laser safety glasses with improved VLT and other features to enhance working conditions.

In addition, new styles of laser safety glasses are emerging to meet the demands of the aesthetic laser industry. Patients undergoing laser procedures need to feel comfortable, and stylish laser safety glasses are a critical aspect of this. Phillips Safety understands the importance of style and aesthetics and offers a wide range of fashionable laser safety glasses.

How Do You Keep Up with Constant Advancements?

At Phillips Safety, we are committed to keeping up with the ever-evolving field of lasers and offering the best laser safety glasses in the market. 

Don’t miss out on the latest updates and innovations in laser safety glasses. Sign up for our newsletter today and be the first to know when we launch new products, run promotions, and share industry news. By subscribing, you’ll get exclusive access to the latest developments in laser safety eyewear and stay ahead of the game. Trust Phillips Safety to provide you with the highest quality laser safety glasses in the market. Join our newsletter community now and stay informed!

Besides, our team of experts is available to help you choose the right laser safety glasses to meet your specific needs. Whether you are a medical professional or an industrial worker, we have the right laser safety glasses for you.

If you still aren’t sure which laser glasses are right for you, it’s a good idea to give us a call at 1-866-575-1307 or talk to us through our chat or e-mail us at service@phillips-safety.com

Our laser experts will be able to tell you what you need for your application.


Lead Glasses for Women: Protect Your Eyes from Radiation in Style

As a woman in the healthcare field, you know the importance of wearing radiation safety glasses to protect your eyes from harmful radiation exposure during medical procedures. However, finding a pair of leaded glasses that are both functional and stylish can be a challenge. That’s where Phillips Safety comes in with our new line of lead glasses for women.

Our leaded glasses for women are designed to provide superior radiation protection while also offering a range of styles and sizes to fit the unique needs of women. Let’s take a closer look at the features that make our lead glasses for women a great choice for healthcare professionals.

Superior Radiation Protection

Our women’s lead glasses feature 0.75mm lead equivalency glass lenses that provide optimal protection from x-ray radiation emitted during fluoroscopy and other medical procedures. We use German optical-quality glass lenses, which are free of the optical distortion and imperfections commonly found in other types of glass, ensuring the clearest vision possible.

Stylish Designs for Women

We understand that women want to look and feel their best, even when they’re wearing radiation safety glasses. That’s why we offer a range of frames and styles that are tailored to fit women’s faces, including Jackie-O style “big lenses” frames and frames for smaller face shapes. Our lead glasses for women come in a variety of colors and designs, so you can find a pair that fits your personal style.

Prescription Options Available

If you wear prescription glasses, you know how important it is to have a pair of radiation safety glasses that you can wear comfortably on top of your prescription lenses. Our women’s leaded glasses are available in prescription options, so you can get the protection you need without sacrificing your vision.

Recommended Radiation Glasses for Women

At Phillips Safety, we offer a variety of radiation glasses for women from trusted brands such as Nike, Oakley, Wiley X, and our own Phillips Safety brand. Here are some of our top picks:

Phillips Safety Women’s Radiation Glasses – Our lead glasses for women feature a variety of frame styles that are designed to cater to different face shapes and sizes. Our high-quality glasses are also comfortable and well-fitted so that you can wear them for extended periods without discomfort. Our lead glasses for women also come in prescription, so you can have the protection you need without compromising your vision.

Phillips Safety Women’s Fitovers – These glasses are designed to fit over your existing prescription eyewear, making them a great choice for women who need prescription lenses. They are available in a variety of colors and designs, so you can find a pair that matches your personal style.

Nike Women’s Radiation Glasses – Nike is one of our top-selling brands for radiation glasses. We offer a wide selection of Nike women’s radiation glasses that combine style and functionality. These glasses feature wraparound designs for maximum coverage and are available in a range of colors to suit your personal style. Whether you’re a healthcare professional or someone who works in an environment where radiation exposure is a risk, our Nike radiation glasses provide the protection you need to stay safe on the job.

Oakley Women’s Radiation Glasses – Oakley is another trusted brand in the eyewear industry, and their unisex and women’s radiation glasses are no exception. These glasses feature a sleek, modern design and come with a microfiber bag for easy storage.

At Phillips Safety, we are committed to providing high-quality radiation safety glasses for women. If you have any questions about our lead glasses for women or any of our other products, please don’t hesitate to contact our customer service department. We’re here to help you stay safe and protected on the job.

If you still aren’t sure which leaded glasses are right for you, it’s a good idea to give us a call at 1-866-575-1307 or talk to us through our chat or e-mail us at service@phillips-safety.com

Our Radiation experts will be able to tell you what you need for your application.


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