Post: An Introduction to Welding: Exploring its History and Eye Safety Practices

An Introduction to Welding: Exploring its History and Eye Safety Practices

Phillips Safety aims to provide you with insights into the world of welding, encompassing its historical background and emphasizing the importance of eye safety during welding operations. Let us commence by examining the dictionary definition of the term “weld”.

According to the dictionary, “weld” is defined as a verb, denoting the act of uniting or fusing pieces of metal together through techniques such as hammering, compressing, or similar methods. This process often involves rendering the metal soft or pasty by applying heat and occasionally incorporating fusible materials to facilitate the joining process. The origin of the term can be traced back to the years 1590-1600, originating from the variant of the archaic word “well”, which connotes “to boil” or “weld”. Therefore, welding refers to the process of joining two or more objects. Although plastic welding and glass welding exist, our focus will primarily be on the welding of metals in this discussion.

The origins of welding can be traced back approximately 5000 years to the Bronze Age, around 3000 BC. Historical evidence points to the Sumerians in what is now Iraq, who crafted swords using welding techniques. Furthermore, archaeologists have unearthed a double-walled gold goblet and a gold bowl, both created using a brazing technique. Another significant discovery relates to the Egyptians, who heated iron ore in a fire to soften it and subsequently hammered the pieces together. This early practice demonstrated the first recorded use of pressure, known as solid state welding.

In modern times, numerous welding processes have emerged, which can be broadly categorized into two major groups: Fusion Welding and Solid State Welding.


Fusion Welding, the most prevalent welding process, involves melting the base metals using heat to facilitate their joining. Once the metals cool and solidify, the two pieces become permanently fused. Filler metals are often utilized to enhance the strength and improve the joining process.

One prominent type of fusion welding is Arc welding, where an electric arc provides the necessary heat, and a filler metal, usually incorporated into the electrode, assists in the welding process. This electrode, commonly known as a “stick”, is used by welders to establish the connection between the welding apparatus and the metal being joined.

Resistance welding, on the other hand, involves clamping two metals together and passing an electric current through them. The resulting electrical resistance generates substantial heat, causing the two pieces to merge. Oxyfuel gas welding employs a torch head to pump a mixture of oxygen and acetylene gas, which is then burned to produce intense heat, capable of melting the metals to be joined. This technique is frequently employed for metal cutting purposes as well.

Additionally, fusion welding encompasses other techniques such as electron beam welding and laser welding. In essence, any welding process that employs heat or energy to transform the metal from a solid to a liquid state falls under the category of fusion welding.


Contrasting fusion welding, Solid State Welding encompasses the joining of metals through the application of pressure, either alone or in combination with heat. This welding technique has a historical significance, as it represents the earliest form of welding and includes methods such as forging, hammering, and pressing. In contemporary times, Solid State Welding has evolved to include advanced processes like Diffusion Welding, Friction Welding, and Ultrasonic Welding.

Among these methods, Friction Welding stands as a prevalent technique in the realm of metal welding. It involves the stationary placement of one metal piece while the other is moved against it, generating heat in the process. This unique approach enables the joining of dissimilar metals, such as Aluminum and Steel, making it highly sought after in industries like aerospace engineering.

Ultrasonic Welding, on the other hand, achieves fusion by clamping two pieces together and introducing ultrasonic waves in parallel to their surfaces. This meticulously orchestrated procedure eliminates surface films and initiates atomic-level bonding between the two materials. Widely employed in the plastics industry, Ultrasonic Welding plays an instrumental role in the production of various items, including the beloved pool floats that provide endless summer fun.


The discussion on welding techniques underscores the critical importance of wearing appropriate safety products, such as welding glasses, during welding operations. The intense heat and bright light generated in the welding process pose significant risks to the eyes. Welding glasses provide essential protection by shielding the eyes from harmful radiation, sparks, and flying debris.

At Phillips Safety, we understand the paramount significance of eye safety in welding. We offer a wide range of high-quality welding glasses specifically designed to provide optimal protection without compromising visibility. Our welding glasses are engineered with advanced features, including specialized lenses that filter out harmful ultraviolet (UV) and infrared (IR) radiation, while maintaining clarity and color perception.

By wearing welding glasses, welders can safeguard their eyes against potential injuries, such as flash burns, arc eye, and long-term damage caused by prolonged exposure to UV and IR radiation. Our commitment to ensuring the highest level of safety is reflected in the quality and reliability of our welding eye protection products.

To explore Phillips Safety’s comprehensive range of welding safety products, including welding glasses, and to find the perfect solution for your specific welding needs, visit our Welding Safety collection. We prioritize your safety and strive to provide the finest welding eye protection available in the market.

If you still aren’t sure which welding products to get, it’s a good idea to give us a call at 1-866-575-1307 or talk to us through our chat or e-mail us at [email protected]

Our welding experts will be able to tell you what you need for your application.


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