Operating a radiology clinic demands meticulous attention to the well-being of your employees, patients, and the technology you utilize. While patient safety is paramount, it’s equally crucial to protect your radiology team from the potential hazards of radiation exposure. Comprehensive protection, including aprons and gloves, is often standard practice. However, neglecting eye protection can put your employees at serious risk for vision problems.
Exposure to radiation without proper eye protection can lead to severe eyesight issues, such as early-onset cataracts. Visual impairments can be career-ending for radiologists who rely on their vision for accurate diagnostics. Lead glasses are essential for protecting the eyes from radiation damage, a fact that has only become widely recognized in recent decades.
Choosing the Right Protective Eyewear
At Phillips Safety Products, we offer a diverse range of radiation eye protection designed for comfort and style. Here are some options to consider:
Wraparound Eyewear
Wraparound eyewear is popular for its comprehensive coverage and stylish appearance. These glasses not only protect the eyes but also provide a fashionable look that radiologists appreciate. Comfortable and attractive eyewear helps radiologists communicate effectively with patients without distraction.
Fit-Over Glasses
For radiologists who wear prescription glasses, fit-over radiation glasses are essential. Poorly fitting fit-overs can cause discomfort, leading to frequent removal and reduced protection. Our fit-over glasses, such as the RG-33, feature durable nylon materials and distortion-free lenses, ensuring comfort and effectiveness throughout long shifts.
Radiation Goggles
Our goggles and face shields are designed for both comfort and style. With flexible silicone bodies and adjustable elastic straps, they fit easily over prescription glasses, ensuring your employees remain protected and comfortable throughout their workday.
Nike Lead Glasses
We offer a unique line of protective eyewear in collaboration with Nike, seamlessly blending safety and style. Nike’s designs cater to diverse preferences, ensuring your employees find eyewear that perfectly matches their personality and comfort needs.
For a more personalized solution, consider prescription radiation protection glasses. We offer a variety of styles, including wraparounds, metal frames, plastic frames, and goggles, all available with prescription lenses. You can customize these glasses to meet the specific vision needs of your employees, whether they require single vision, lined bifocals, or progressive bifocals.
At Phillips Safety Products, we are dedicated to providing high-quality protective eyewear for radiology professionals. Explore our extensive inventory to find the perfect fit for your team. Contact us to learn more about our products and how we can help safeguard your employees’ vision.