The 3-Tier Extra Large Flap Set is a replacement flap set for the Extra Large Papoose Board MRI Safe, intended for teenagers and adults. The flap set is great for medical professionals to have when conducting MRI and X-Ray scans. The Velcro can be quickly applied to patients to restrain them safely, and the hook and loop fasteners assure a stable and secure grip for medical professionals to conduct their imaging procedures. In addition, the diagonal design of the board is of great help during the restraining process. The design lets the flaps crisscross, resulting in an incredibly snug fit. Also, the 4 arm/wrist straps that come with the Extra Large Papoose Board kit can provide more immobilization options for the professional. As a result, the medical professional can open certain flaps to get a scan of the patient’s torso, while maintaining security.
For other options, check out our Papoose Board collection.
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